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Archivist meaning in Urdu

Archivist Definitions

1) Archivist : دستاویزات محافظ کرنے والا : (noun) a person in charge of collecting and cataloguing archives.


Useful Words

Chief : افسر اعلی , Paymaster : تنخواہ بانٹنے والا , Postmaster : کسی ڈاکخانہ کا افسر , Station Agent : ریل کے اسٹیشن کا نگران افسر , Countercharge : جوابی الزام , Head Nurse : بڑی نرس , Wallah : کسی پیشے سے منسلک کوئی شخص , Warder : قیدیوں کا نگران , Assess : ٹیکس لگانا , Revenue Enhancement : محصول , Accusal : الزام دہی , Proton : پروٹون , Agglomeration : جمع کرنے کا عمل , Curio : نادر شئے , Alms Box : چندہ وصول کرنے کا ڈبہ , Reservoir : حوض , Collectable : جمع کرنے کے لائق , Museum : عجائب گھر , Silent Butler : ایک چھوٹا ریزے اٹھانے والا برتن , Make : مقرر کرنا , Revenuer : خزانہ کا کوئی رکن , Toll : محصول , Head : سربراہ ہونا , Keeper : محافظ , Extortion : زیادہ قیمت , Postage : ڈاک ٹکٹ , Commend : سپرد کرنا , Keep : سنبھالنا , Undercharge : کم قیمت وصول کرنا , Care : نپٹانا , Mind : نگرانی کرنا

Useful Words Definitions

Chief: a person who is in charge.

Paymaster: a person in charge of paying wages.

Postmaster: the person in charge of a post office.

Station Agent: the person in charge of a railway station.

Countercharge: a charge brought by an accused person against the accuser.

Head Nurse: the person in charge of nursing in a medical institution.

Wallah: usually in combination: person in charge of or employed at a particular thing.

Warder: a person who works in a prison and is in charge of prisoners.

Assess: charge (a person or a property) with a payment, such as a tax or a fine.

Revenue Enhancement: charge against a citizen`s person or property or activity for the support of government.

Accusal: a formal charge of wrongdoing brought against a person; the act of imputing blame or guilt.

Proton: a stable particle with positive charge equal to the negative charge of an electron.

Agglomeration: the act of collecting in a mass; the act of agglomerating.

Curio: something unusual -- perhaps worthy of collecting.

Alms Box: box for collecting alms, especially one in a church.

Reservoir: tank used for collecting and storing a liquid (as water or oil).

Collectable: things considered to be worth collecting (not necessarily valuable or antique).

Museum: a depository for collecting and displaying objects having scientific or historical or artistic value.

Silent Butler: a small receptacle with a handle and a hinged lid; used for collecting crumbs or ashes.

Make: charge with a function; charge to be.

Revenuer: a government agent responsible for collecting revenue (especially one responsible for stopping bootlegging).

Toll: charge a fee for using.

Head: be in charge of.

Keeper: someone in charge of other people.

Extortion: an exorbitant charge.

Postage: the charge for mailing something.

Commend: give to in charge.

Keep: look after; be the keeper of; have charge of.

Undercharge: charge (someone) too little money.

Care: be in charge of, act on, or dispose of.

Mind: be in charge of or deal with.

Related Words

Aggregator : جمع کرنے والا

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