Articulatory Articulator Articulative Articulation Articulatio Tal... Articulatio Syn... Articulatio Rad... Articulatio Genus Artifact Artifactual Artifice Artificer Artificial Artificial Flower Artificial Inse... Artificial Inte... Artificial Lake Artificial Sate... Artificiality Artificially

Artifact meaning in Urdu

Artifact Sentence

An artifact work.

Artifact Synonym

Artifact Definitions

1) Artifact, Artefact : مصنوعہ, انسان کی بنائی ہوئی کوئی شے : (noun) a man-made object taken as a whole.


Useful Words

Part : ٹکڑا , Creation : تخلیق , Plaything : کھلونا , Cone : مخروطہ , Sphere : کرہ , Product : تیار کردہ چیز , Fragment : مٹی کے برتن کا ٹکڑا , Abrading Stone : گھسائی کا پتھر , Way : رستہ , Cloth : لباس , Component : جز , Ceramic : ظروف , Surface : سطح , Container : ڈبہ , Parallax : اختلاف منظر , Nim : ماچس کی تیلیوں کا ایک کھیل , Core : مرکزی حصہ , Point : موضوع , Heartthrob : ہر دل عزیز , Ovoid : بیضوی , Globosity : کرویت , Stub : ٹہوکر سے پیر کی انگلی کا زخمی ہوجانا , Ball : گولا , Broadside : سامنے سے , Attraction : کشش , Catch : پکڑ , Thing : بات , Bugbear : خوف کا باعث , Defect : خامی , Aim : نشانہ , Chosen : چنا ہوا

Useful Words Definitions

Part: something less than the whole of a human artifact.

Creation: an artifact that has been brought into existence by someone.

Plaything: an artifact designed to be played with.

Cone: any cone-shaped artifact.

Sphere: any spherically shaped artifact.

Product: an artifact that has been created by someone or some process.

Fragment: a broken piece of a brittle artifact.

Abrading Stone: a primitive stone artifact (usually made of sandstone) used as an abrader.

Way: any artifact consisting of a road or path affording passage from one place to another.

Cloth: artifact made by weaving or felting or knitting or crocheting natural or synthetic fibers.

Component: an artifact that is one of the individual parts of which a composite entity is made up; especially a part that can be separated from or attached to a system.

Ceramic: an artifact made of hard brittle material produced from nonmetallic minerals by firing at high temperatures.

Surface: the outer boundary of an artifact or a material layer constituting or resembling such a boundary.

Container: any object that can be used to hold things (especially a large metal boxlike object of standardized dimensions that can be loaded from one form of transport to another).

Parallax: the apparent displacement of an object as seen from two different points that are not on a line with the object.

Nim: game in which matchsticks are arranged in rows and players alternately remove one or more of them; in some versions the object is to take the last remaining matchstick on the table and in other versions the object is to avoid taking the last remaining matchstick on the table.

Core: the center of an object.

Point: the object of an activity.

Heartthrob: an object of infatuation.

Ovoid: an egg-shaped object.

Globosity: the roundness of a 3-dimensional object.

Stub: strike (one's toe) accidentally against an object.

Ball: an object with a spherical shape.

Broadside: with a side facing an object.

Attraction: the force by which one object attracts another.

Catch: the act of catching an object with the hands.

Thing: a statement regarded as an object.

Bugbear: an object of dread or apprehension.

Defect: an imperfection in an object or machine.

Aim: the action of directing something at an object.

Chosen: one who is the object of choice; who is given preference.

Related Words

Unit : وحدت , Article : تصنیف , Block : ٹکڑا , Commodity : تجارتی اشیاء

Artifact in Book Titles

Deadly Artifact.
The Artifact Chronicles - Episode One: A Legend Comes to Life.
Tecumseh’S Artifact.
The McKenzie Artifact.

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