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بچوں میں وٹامن ڈی کی کمی : Bachoun Mein Vitamin D Ki Kami Meaning in English

Bachoun Mein Vitamin D Ki Kami in Detail

1) بچوں میں وٹامن ڈی کی کمی : Rachitis Rickets : (noun) childhood disease caused by deficiency of vitamin D and sunlight associated with impaired metabolism of calcium and phosphorus.


Useful Words

چونا : Atomic Number 20 : a white metallic element that burns with a brilliant light; the fifth most abundant element in the earth`s crust; an important component of most plants and animals. "Calcium making factory".

بچپن : Childhood : the time of person`s life when they are a child. "I know you since childhood".

پانچ سو : 500 : denoting a quantity consisting of 500 items or units.

کمی : Deficiency : the state of needing something that is absent or unavailable. "By the way, food is well made but there us a lack of salt in the food".

مرض : Disease : an impairment of health or a condition of abnormal functioning. "His disease was treatable".

غیر موزوں : Afflicted : mentally or physically unfit.

سورج کی شعاع : Sun : the rays of the sun. "The shingles were weathered by the sun and wind".

حیاتین : Vitamin : any of a group of organic substances essential in small quantities to normal metabolism.

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