Mubtadi / ShagirdKabHuwa Se Bahra H...Ek Qisim Ka Cho...Jawabi Dawa KarnaEk Dosray Se Wa...Jin Ko Alag Na ...LazimBag BingTaluqEk Qsm Ka Gool ...QissaZordar AwazChentain MaarnaIzzatZehni SalahiyatChor NikalnaKhasosiyatInternational M...Jalane Wala Aala

بگ بینگ : Bag Bing Meaning in English

Bag Bing in Detail

1) بگ بینگ : Big Bang : (noun) (cosmology) the cosmic explosion that is hypothesized to have marked the origin of the universe.


Useful Words

کائنات کے متعلق : Cosmic : of or from or pertaining to or characteristic of the cosmos or universe. "Cosmic laws".

تکوینیات : Cosmology : the metaphysical study of the origin and nature of the universe. "Cosmology is the scientific exploration of the universe`s complete evolution, structure, origins, history, and eventual destiny".

دھماکا : Blowup : a violent release of energy caused by a chemical or nuclear reaction.

استعمال کرنا : Consume : serve oneself to, or consume regularly. "Have another bowl of chicken soup!".

نمایاں : Marked : strongly marked; easily noticeable. "Walked with a marked limp".

وہ جگہ جہاں سے کوئی چیز شروع ہو : Beginning : the place where something begins, where it springs into being. "The Italian beginning of the Renaissance".

عالم : Cosmos : everything that exists anywhere. "They study the evolution of the universe".

Bag BingDetailQuiz
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