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باغِ کوہِستانی : Bagh E Kohistaani Meaning in English

Bagh E Kohistaani in Detail

1) چٹانی علاقے کا باغ باغ کوہستانی : Rock Garden Rockery : (noun) a garden featuring rocks; usually alpine plants.


Useful Words

پہاڑوں سے متعلق : Alpine : relating to or characteristic of alps. "Alpine sports".

گلشن : Garden : a plot of ground where plants are cultivated.

پودا لگانا : Plant : put or set (seeds, seedlings, or plants) into the ground. "They have planted mini plant".

چٹان : Rock : a lump or mass of hard consolidated mineral matter. "The rock caught me".

عام طور پر : Commonly : under normal conditions. "Usually she was late".

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