Daira NumaBhari Aslahay S...Sakhat Mosam Ba...Sakhat JaanKushada Siny WalaJaan WalaHata KataFasiqBalb JesaAnguthi JesaGol NumaMuraba NumaGol Bana HuwaBadam JesaChalay DarChala NumaHalqa DarHalqaviKan NumaKan Ki Tarha

بَلب جیسا : Balb Jesa Meaning in English

Balb Jesa in Detail

1) بلب جیسا : Bulb-Shaped Bulblike Bulbous : (satellite adjective) shaped like a bulb.


Useful Words

لائٹ : Bulb : electric lamp consisting of a transparent or translucent glass housing containing a wire filament (usually tungsten) that emits light when heated by electricity. "The bulb is broken".

پسند کرنا : Like : be fond of. "There is no one else like me".

ٹہوک کر بنائی کئی شئے : Molded : shaped to fit by or as if by altering the contours of a pliable mass (as by work or effort). "A shaped handgrip".

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