بڑا خون چُوسنے والا کِیڑا : Bara Kun Chusny Wala Kira Meaning in English
Bara Kun Chusny Wala Kira in Detail
1) بڑا خون چوسنے والا کیڑا خون چوسنے والا کیڑا : Big Bedbug Cone-Nosed Bug Conenose Conenose Bug Kissing Bug : (noun) large bloodsucking bug.
Useful Words
خون چوسنے والا : Bloodsucking : of plants or persons; having the nature or habits of a parasite or leech; living off another. "A wealthy class parasitic upon the labor of the masses".
چھیڑنا : Badger : annoy persistently. "Don`t badger him".
وسیع : Big : above average in size or number or quantity or magnitude or extent. "I don`t have such a big job".