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برابری : Barabari Meaning in English

Barabari Synonyms


Barabari in Detail

1 of 3) برابری : Equality : (noun) the quality of being the same in quantity or measure or value or status.

2 of 3) برابری مساوات : Correspondence Parallelism : (noun) similarity by virtue of corresponding.

3 of 3) برابری برابر ایک سا : Equality Equation Equivalence Par : (noun) a state of being essentially equal or equivalent; equally balanced.

Useful Words

مماثل : Corresponding : similar especially in position or purpose. "A number of corresponding diagonal points".

ناپنا : Measure : determine the measurements of something or somebody, take measurements of. "Measure the length of the wall".

خوبی : Character : a characteristic property that defines the apparent individual nature of something. "What quality does it possess ?".

مناسب مقدار : Quantity : an adequate or large amount. "He had a quantity of ammunition".

ویسا ہی : Same : same in identity. "The same thing happened".

مشابہت : Similarity : the quality of being similar.

قدر : Value : a numerical quantity measured or assigned or computed. "Migrate to turkey with your family Pakistanis are valued there because they are considered honest".

نیکی : Merit : any admirable quality or attribute. "He pray five times as he is a man of virtue".
