Basket Ash meaning in Urdu
Basket Ash Synonyms
Basket Ash Definitions
1) Basket Ash, Black Ash, Brown Ash, Fraxinus Nigra, Hoop Ash : امریکی درخت : (noun) vigorous spreading North American tree having dark brown heavy wood; leaves turn gold in autumn.
Useful Words
Butternut : شمال امریکہ میں پایا جانے والا اخروٹ کا درخت , Acer Saccharinum : چاندی میپل , Brazilian Rosewood : برازیل میں پایا جانے والا ایک درخت , Gleditsia Triacanthos : کانٹے دار امریکی پودا , Alnus Glutinosa : شہتوت کی قسم کا درخت , Chestnut : شاہ بلوط , Gamboge Tree : انڈونیشیا کا ایک درخت جس کا پھل بہت فائدہ مند ہوتا ہے , Arctostaphylos Uva-Ursi : سدا بھار لال بیری والی جھاڑی , African Scented Mahogany : افریقی دیار , Acer Platanoides : ناروے کا میپل , Agathis Lanceolata : لال درخت , American Bison : بھینس , Artemisia Vulgaris : برنجاسف جڑی بوٹی , Adam-And-Eve : شمالی امریکی پھولدار پودا , Conacaste : امریکی عمارتی لکڑی , Acer Rubrum : لال میپل , Puce : بہورا , Yew : درخت صنوبر , Rhus Typhina : مشرقی شمالی امریکا میں پایا جانے والا درخت جس کے پتے خزاں میں لال ہوجاتے ہیں , Sassafras : پیلے رنگ کا درخت , Holly-Leaves Barberry : نیلے بیر کا درخت , American Cranberry Bush : لال بیری والی جھاڑی , Arbutus Menziesii : ایک قسم کی سدابہار جھاڑی , Carryall : تھیلا , Hamper : ٹوکری , Callitris Quadrivalvis : صنوبری درخت , Basketry : ٹوکری بنانے کا فن , Bassinet : بچے کا جھولا , Breadbasket : ڈلیا , Basket : ٹوکری بھر , Acridotheres Tristis : خاکی مینا
Useful Words Definitions
Butternut: North American walnut tree having light-brown wood and edible nuts; source of a light-brown dye.
Acer Saccharinum: a common North American maple tree; five-lobed leaves are light green above and silvery white beneath; source of hard close-grained but brittle light-brown wood.
Brazilian Rosewood: an important Brazilian timber tree yielding a heavy hard dark-colored wood streaked with black.
Gleditsia Triacanthos: tall usually spiny North American tree having small greenish-white flowers in drooping racemes followed by long twisting seed pods; yields very hard durable reddish-brown wood; introduced to temperate Old World.
Alnus Glutinosa: medium-sized tree with brown-black bark and woody fruiting catkins; leaves are hairy beneath.
Chestnut: any of several attractive deciduous trees yellow-brown in autumn; yield a hard wood and edible nuts in a prickly bur.
Gamboge Tree: low spreading tree of Indonesia yielding an orange to brown gum resin (gamboge) used as a pigment when powdered.
Arctostaphylos Uva-Ursi: evergreen mat-forming shrub of North America and northern Eurasia having small white flowers and red berries; leaves turn red in autumn.
African Scented Mahogany: African tree having rather lightweight cedar-scented wood varying in color from pink to reddish brown.
Acer Platanoides: a large Eurasian maple tree naturalized in North America; five-lobed leaves yellow in autumn; cultivated in many varieties.
Agathis Lanceolata: New Zealand tree with glossy leaves and scaly reddish-brown bark.
American Bison: large shaggy-haired brown bison of North American plains.
Artemisia Vulgaris: European tufted aromatic perennial herb having hairy red or purple stems and dark green leaves downy white below and red-brown florets.
Adam-And-Eve: North American orchid bearing a single leaf and yellowish-brown flowers.
Conacaste: tropical South American tree having a wide-spreading crown of bipinnate leaves and coiled ear-shaped fruits; grown for shade and ornament as well as valuable timber.
Acer Rubrum: maple of eastern and central America; five-lobed leaves turn scarlet and yellow in autumn.
Puce: a color varying from dark purplish brown to dark red.
Yew: wood of a yew; especially the durable fine-grained light brown or red wood of the English yew valued for cabinetwork and archery bows.
Rhus Typhina: deciduous shrubby tree or eastern North America with compound leaves that turn brilliant red in fall and dense panicles of greenish yellow flowers followed by crimson acidic berries.
Sassafras: yellowwood tree with brittle wood and aromatic leaves and bark; source of sassafras oil; widely distributed in eastern North America.
Holly-Leaves Barberry: ornamental evergreen shrub of Pacific coast of North America having dark green pinnate leaves and racemes of yellow flowers followed by blue-black berries.
American Cranberry Bush: deciduous North American shrub or small tree having three-lobed leaves and red berries.
Arbutus Menziesii: evergreen tree of the Pacific coast of North America having glossy leathery leaves and orange-red edible berries; wood used for furniture and bark for tanning.
Carryall: a capacious bag or basket.
Hamper: a basket usually with a cover.
Callitris Quadrivalvis: large coniferous evergreen tree of North Africa and Spain having flattened branches and scalelike leaves yielding a hard fragrant wood; bark yields a resin used in varnishes.
Basketry: the craft of basket making.
Bassinet: a basket (usually hooded) used as a baby's bed.
Breadbasket: a basket for serving bread.
Basket: the quantity contained in a basket.
Acridotheres Tristis: dark brown crested bird of southeastern Asia.