بے دلی سے : Be Dili Se Meaning in English
Be Dili Se in Detail
1 of 3) بے دلی سے : Irresolutely : (adverb) lacking determination or decisiveness.
2 of 3) بے دلی سے : Dispiritedly Hopelessly : (adverb) in a dispirited manner without hope.
3 of 3) بے دلی سے رکھے پن کے ساتھ : Tastelessly : (adverb) without taste or in poor taste; in a tasteless manner.
Useful Words
قطعیت : Conclusiveness : the quality of being final or definitely settled. "The finality of death".
ارادہ : Conclusion : a position or opinion or judgment reached after consideration. "The determination of the country`s survival prevent the Pakistani forces, otherwise India would have become a graveyard long ago".
بے دلانہ : Dispirited : marked by low spirits; showing no enthusiasm. "A dispirited and divided Party".
آس : Hope : a specific instance of feeling hopeful. "He is hoping".
کم : Deficient : inadequate in amount or degree. "A deficient education".
ڈھنگ : Manner : a way of acting or behaving. "They don`t have any manners to speak ?".