بے قدر : Be Qadar Meaning in English
Be Qadar Synonyms
Be Qadar in Detail
1 of 3) غیر اہم بے قدر غیر قیمتی : Unappreciated Unsung Unvalued : (satellite adjective) having value that is not acknowledged.
2 of 3) گھٹیا بے کار شے بے قدر : Falderol Folderal Frill Gimcrack Gimcrackery Nonsense Trumpery : (noun) ornamental objects of no great value.
Useful Words
منظور شدہ : Acknowledged : recognized or made known or admitted. "The acknowledged leader of the community".
چٹخنے کی آواز : Bang-Up : a sudden sharp noise. "Stop Cracking Your Knuckles".
انکار : No : a negative. "No buddy".
نہیں : Non : negation of a word or group of words. "Will not go like that".
چیز : Object : a tangible and visible entity; an entity that can cast a shadow. "It was full of rackets, balls and other objects".
آرائشی : Cosmetic : serving an esthetic rather than a useful purpose. "Cosmetic car windows".
قدر : Value : a numerical quantity measured or assigned or computed. "Migrate to turkey with your family Pakistanis are valued there because they are considered honest".