بے ضرر : Be Zarar Meaning in English
Be Zarar Sentence
Be Zarar in Detail
2 of 4) بے ضرر : Benign : (adjective) not dangerous to health; not recurrent or progressive (especially of a tumor).
3 of 4) بے ضرر جس سے کسی کو نقصان نا ہو : Offenceless Offenseless : (satellite adjective) incapable of offending or attacking.
4 of 4) بے ضرر : Inoffensive : (adjective) giving no offense.
Useful Words
قابل : Capable : (usually followed by `of`) having capacity or ability. "You guys let Imran drive He is capable in driving in hilly area".
وجہ : Causation : the act of causing something to happen.
خاص طور پر : Especially : to a distinctly greater extent or degree than is common. "He was particularly fussy about spelling".
نقصان : Damage : the occurrence of a change for the worse. "You hit your car from behind and my car is badly damaged, your insurance company will pay for it".
طبیعت : Health : the general condition of body and mind. "How is your health?".
نہیں : Non : negation of a word or group of words. "Will not go like that".
ترقی یافتہ : Progressive : favoring or promoting progress. "Progressive schools".
بار بار ہونے والا : Perennial : recurring again and again. "Perennial efforts to stipulate the requirements".
گلٹی : Neoplasm : an abnormal new mass of tissue that serves no purpose. "Tumor surgery cost in Karachi".