بحری جہاز شکن فَرانسِیسی راہبر میزائل : Behri Jahaaz Shikan Francisi Rahbar Mizail Meaning in English
Behri Jahaaz Shikan Francisi Rahbar Mizail in Detail
1) بحری جہاز شکن فرانسیسی راہبر میزائل : Exocet : (noun) a guided missile developed by the French government for use against ships.
Useful Words
مخالف : Against : Contrary to; opposed to. "This was done against my will".
بہت ترقی یافتہ : Developed : (used of societies) having high industrial development. "Developed countries".
فرانسیسی زبان : French : the Romance language spoken in France and in countries colonized by France.
حکومت : Administration : the act of governing; exercising authority. "The government claims to make Pakistan the state of Madinah".
میزائل : Missile : a rocket carrying a warhead of conventional or nuclear explosives; may be ballistic or directed by remote control.
بحری جہاز : Ship : a vessel that carries passengers or freight.
استعمال کرنے کا عمل : Employment : the act of using. "He warned against the use of narcotic drugs".