بھرنا : Bharna Meaning in English
Bharna Synonyms
Bharna in Detail
1 of 9) بھرنا بھر نا فل کرنا : Fill Fill Up Make Full : (verb) make full, also in a metaphorical sense.
4 of 9) بھرنا : Complete Fill In Fill Out Make Out : (verb) write all the required information onto a form.
8 of 9) بھرنا خلا پر کرنا : Bolster Pad : (verb) add padding to.
Useful Words
مزید : Also : in addition. "You should have also told".
ایک ساتھ دبانا : Compact : squeeze or press together. "Compressing lips".
بنانا : Make : act in a certain way so as to acquire. "Make friends".
سمجھ : Common Sense : sound practical judgment. "Even after being acquitted and released, they are still spying on you, doesn`t make sense".
ٹھونسنا : Chock Up : crowd or pack to capacity. "The theater was jampacked".