Ghair Janibdara...Ghair Zema Dari SeZema Daranha To...Bhoot Parit Kay...Bohat Buri Sura...Bala TuqfBala TakhirBilamoumHal He MeinHal MeinKuch Ersa QabalBachi Ki TarhaSharmelay Pan SeAahista AahistaTadrejanAas Paas MeinYahanIdharEs Kay Andar

بالعموم : Bilamoum Meaning in English


Bilamoum in Detail

Useful Words

حالت : Condition : a state at a particular time. "I have very strange condition".

طریقہ : Convention : something regarded as a normative example. "The convention of not naming the main character".

نیچے کی شے : Nether : located below or beneath something else. "We are one under the shadow of this flag".

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