Biographical meaning in Urdu
Biographical Sentence
Biographical Synonym
Biographical Definitions
1) Biographical, Biographic : سیرت نگار ی سے متعلق : (adjective) of or relating to or being biography.
Useful Words
Anecdote : روایت , Autobiography : آپ بیتی , Autobiographer : آپ بیتی نویس , Necrology : موت کا نوٹس , Celestial : آسمانی , Brachial : بازو سے متعلق , Marine : سمندر سے متعلق , Costal : پسلی کا , Stannic : قلعی کے متعلق , Ophthalmic : آنکھ کے بارے میں , Semiotic : علاماتی , Appointive : تقرر سے متعلق , Capillary : بال کا یا بال سے متعلق , Dietary : غذا سے متعلق , Chimeral : خیالی , Communicative : پیغام دینے والا , Retinal : پردہ چشم کا , Shamanist : شمن پرست , Arthralgic : جوڑوں کے درد سے متعلق , Uveal : آنکھ کی درمیانی تہ سی متعلق , Cardiac : دل کا , Poetic : شاعری سے متعلق , Cryogenic : انجمادی , Imperial : شاہی , Corpuscular : ذراتی , Marsupial : دودھ پلانے والے جانور سے متعلق , Credal : مسلکی , Clonal : قلمی , Sacral : سیکرم کے متعلق , Binocular : دونوں آنکہوں سے , Mecopterous : بچھو مکھی کا یا اس سے متعلق
Useful Words Definitions
Anecdote: short account of an incident (especially a biographical one).
Autobiography: a biography of yourself.
Autobiographer: someone who writes their own biography.
Necrology: a notice of someone's death; usually includes a short biography.
Celestial: of or relating to the sky.
Brachial: of or relating to an arm.
Marine: of or relating to the sea.
Costal: of or relating to or near a rib.
Stannic: of or relating to or containing tin.
Ophthalmic: of or relating to the eye.
Semiotic: of or relating to semiotics.
Appointive: relating to the act of appointing.
Capillary: of or relating to hair.
Dietary: of or relating to the diet.
Chimeral: being or relating to or like a chimera.
Communicative: of or relating to communication.
Retinal: in or relating to the retina of the eye.
Shamanist: of or relating to shamanism.
Arthralgic: of or relating to arthralgia.
Uveal: of or relating to the uvea of the eye.
Cardiac: of or relating to the heart.
Poetic: of or relating to poetry.
Cryogenic: of or relating to very low temperatures.
Imperial: relating to or associated with an empire.
Corpuscular: of or relating to corpuscles.
Marsupial: of or relating to the marsupials.
Credal: of or relating to a creed.
Clonal: of or relating to a clone.
Sacral: of or relating to or near the sacrum.
Binocular: relating to both eyes.
Mecopterous: of or relating to mecopterans.