Boarding Pass meaning in Urdu
Boarding Pass Sentence
Boarding Pass Synonym
Boarding Pass Definitions
1) Boarding Pass, Boarding Card : جہاز پر چڑھنے کا اجازت نامہ : (noun) a pass that allows you to board a ship or plane.
Useful Words
Transit : عبور کرنا , Come About : واقع ہونا , Deliver : دینا , Make Pass : گزارنا , Elapse : گزر جانا , Filter : گزرنا , Passage : رستہ , Relay : پہنچانا , Undergo : سہنا , Cut : چیرنا , Cover : سفر کرنا , Fell : گزرنا , Slip : خفیہ طریقے سے فراہم کرنا , Pass : گزرنامہ , Move Around : دوسری طرف مڑنا , Break Through : رکاوٹ عبور کرنا , By : پاس سے , Air-Tight : جس میں ہوا کا گزر نہ ہو , Lap : چاٹنا , Come : ہونا , Dissolve : حل ہو جانا , Devolve : حوالے کرنا , Transit : گزارنا , Cross : گزر جانا , Infiltrate : اندر سے گزارنا , Col : پہاڑ کی چوٹیوں کے درمیان گھاٹی , Watertight : جس میں پانی نہ داخل ہوسکتا ہو , Pass : وقت گزارنا , Convey : پیغام پہنچانا , Overstep : حد سے تجاوز کرنا , Urinate : پیشاب کرنا
Useful Words Definitions
Transit: pass across (a sign or house of the zodiac) or pass across (the disk of a celestial body or the meridian of a place).
Come About: come to pass.
Deliver: pass down.
Make Pass: cause to pass.
Elapse: pass by.
Filter: pass through.
Passage: a way through or along which someone or something may pass.
Relay: pass along.
Undergo: pass through.
Cut: pass through or across.
Cover: travel across or pass over.
Fell: pass away rapidly.
Slip: pass on stealthily.
Pass: any authorization to pass or go somewhere.
Move Around: pass to the other side of.
Break Through: pass through (a barrier).
By: so as to pass a given point.
Air-Tight: not allowing air or gas to pass in or out.
Lap: pass the tongue over.
Come: come to pass; arrive, as in due course.
Dissolve: pass into a solution.
Devolve: pass on or delegate to another.
Transit: cause or enable to pass through.
Cross: meet and pass.
Infiltrate: pass into or through by filtering or permeating.
Col: a pass between mountain peaks.
Watertight: not allowing water to pass in or out.
Pass: pass time in a specific way.
Convey: make known; pass on, of information.
Overstep: pass beyond (limits or boundaries).
Urinate: pass after the manner of urine.