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Bouldered meaning in Urdu

Bouldered Synonyms


Bouldered Definitions

1) Bouldered, Bouldery, Rocky, Stony : پتھریلا, چٹانی : (satellite adjective) abounding in rocks or stones.

Useful Words

Rockiness : سختی , Gravelly : کنکری , Crannied : دراڑوں والا , Whin : ریتلی چٹانیں , Stonily : بے حسی کے ساتھ , Aerolitic : شہاب سے متعلق , Achondrite : الکا , Aerolite : سنگ شہابی , Meteorite : شہابی پتھر , Sappy : رطوبت سے پر , Arboraceous : درختوں سے بھرا , Grassy : گھاس دار , Cloud-Covered : بے دہوپ کا , Aired : ہوا دار , Starry : ستاروں سے بھرا ھوا , Brumous : دھندلا , Weedy : گھاس پھوس سے بھرا ہوا , Airiness : ہوا دار , Blowy : ہوادار , Marly : کھٹیلی مٹی کا , Chafflike : بہوسے کی مانند , Arenaceous : ریت کی طرح , Lapidate : پتھر مارنا , Lapidate : پتھر برساکر مارنا , Quarry : معین پتھر یا ٹائل , Lithuresis : پیشاب میں پتھر آنا , Semiprecious : ہیرے اور یاقوت کے مقابلے میں کم قیمت , Lapidarist : جوہر تراشی , Lithiasis : پتھری کا بننا , Pave : فرش بندی کرنا , Gem State : اداہو

Useful Words Definitions

Rockiness: the quality of abounding in rocks and stones.

Gravelly: abounding in small stones.

Crannied: having small chinks or crannies (especially in or between rocks or stones).

Whin: any of various hard colored rocks (especially rocks consisting of chert or basalt).

Stonily: in a stony manner.

Aerolitic: of or pertaining to certain stony meteorites.

Achondrite: a stony meteor lacking chondrules.

Aerolite: a stony meteorite consisting of silicate minerals.

Meteorite: stony or metallic object that is the remains of a meteoroid that has reached the earth's surface.

Sappy: abounding in sap.

Arboraceous: abounding in trees.

Grassy: abounding in grass.

Cloud-Covered: filled or abounding with clouds.

Aired: open to or abounding in fresh air.

Starry: abounding with or resembling stars.

Brumous: filled or abounding with fog or mist.

Weedy: abounding with or resembling weeds.

Airiness: the property of something spacious and abounding in fresh air.

Blowy: abounding in or exposed to the wind or breezes.

Marly: of or relating to or resembling or abounding in marl.

Chafflike: abounding in or covered with or resembling or consisting of chaff.

Arenaceous: resembling or containing or abounding in sand; or growing in sandy areas.

Lapidate: throw stones at.

Lapidate: kill by throwing stones at.

Quarry: extract (something such as stones) from or as if from a quarry.

Lithuresis: passing small stones with the urine.

Semiprecious: used of gemstones having less commercial value than precious stones.

Lapidarist: an expert on precious stones and the art of cutting and engraving them.

Lithiasis: the formation of stones (calculi) in an internal organ.

Pave: a setting with precious stones so closely set that no metal shows.

Gem State: a state in the Rocky Mountains.

Related Words

Rough : ناہموار

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