Jarehana AazaimBeerAanadBugzDushmaniInqalab Tabdeel...Aqal BezariAurat Se NafratBura ModeHasadJalanShadeed JalanKisi Ka Bura Ch...KinhaZarar RasaniHalJala BuhnaRukhaBad AndeshiJhatahat

بُرا موڈ : Bura Mode Meaning in English

Bura Mode in Detail

1) برا موڈ : Warpath : (noun) hostile or belligerent mood.


Useful Words

جارح : Aggressive : characteristic of an enemy or one eager to fight. "Aggressive acts against another country".

معاندانہ : Hostile : characterized by enmity or ill will. "A hostile nation".

مزاج : Humor : a characteristic (habitual or relatively temporary) state of feeling. "Strong sense of humor is a sign of intelligence".

Bura ModeDetailQuiz
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