Cautionary Caution Caustically Caustic Remark Caustic Potash Caustic Lime Caustic Causing Cautious Cautiously Cautiousness Cavalcade Cavalier Cavalierly Cavalry Cavalryman Cave Cave Dweller Cave In Cave Man

Cautious meaning in Urdu

Cautious Sentence

Reserved and cautious; never making swift decisions.

Cautious Synonyms


Cautious Definitions

1 of 3) Cautious, Timid : بزدل, خوفزدہ : (noun) people who are fearful and cautious.

2 of 3) Cautious : محتاط : (adjective) showing careful forethought.

A cautious driver.

3 of 3) Cautious, Conservative : محتاط : (satellite adjective) avoiding excess.

Useful Words

Chariness : ہوشیاری , Carefulness : ہوشیاری , Beware : ہوشیار رہنا , Intimidate : ڈرانا , Apprehension : فکر مندی , Awed : رعب میں آنا , Craven : بزدل , Bashful : جھینپو , Bashfully : شرمیلے پن سے , Gutlessness : کم ہمتی , Poor-Spirited : کم ہمت , Milksop : زنانہ , Fearful : خوفزدہ , Cowardly : بزدلانہ , Intimidation : دہشت , Cautiously : احتیاط سے , Far-Right : رجعت پسند , Hidebound : روایت پسند , Old-Line : قدامت پرست , Centrist : اعتدال پسند , Extreme Right-Winger : لکیر کا فقیر , Minimalist : مختصر تبدیلی کا حامی , 1st Earl Baldwin Of Bewdley : اسٹینلے بالڈون , 1st Earl Of Balfour : بالفور , Hare : خرگوش نما , Hinayana : قدامت پسند بدھ مت فرقہ , Spiritualism : روحانیت , Endemic : علاقائی مرض , Domain : لوگ , Association : انجمن , Assemble : لوگوں کو جمع کرنا

Useful Words Definitions

Chariness: the trait of being cautious and watchful.

Carefulness: the trait of being cautious; being attentive to possible danger.

Beware: be on one`s guard; be cautious or wary about; be alert to.

Intimidate: make timid or fearful.

Apprehension: fearful expectation or anticipation.

Awed: inspired by a feeling of fearful wonderment or reverence.

Craven: lacking even the rudiments of courage; abjectly fearful.

Bashful: self-consciously timid.

Bashfully: in a shy or timid or bashful manner.

Gutlessness: the trait of lacking courage and determination; fearful of loss or injury.

Poor-Spirited: lacking in courage and manly strength and resolution; contemptibly fearful.

Milksop: a timid man or boy considered childish or unassertive.

Fearful: timid by nature or revealing timidity.

Cowardly: lacking courage; ignobly timid and faint-hearted.

Intimidation: the feeling of being intimidated; being made to feel afraid or timid.

Cautiously: in a conservative manner.

Far-Right: extremely conservative.

Hidebound: stubbornly conservative and narrow-minded.

Old-Line: adhering to conservative or reactionary principles.

Centrist: supporting or pursuing a course of action that is neither liberal nor conservative.

Extreme Right-Winger: an extreme conservative; an opponent of progress or liberalism.

Minimalist: a conservative who advocates only minor reforms in government or politics.

1st Earl Baldwin Of Bewdley: English statesman; member of the Conservative Party (1867-1947).

1st Earl Of Balfour: English statesman; member of the Conservative Party (1848-1930).

Hare: swift timid long-eared mammal larger than a rabbit having a divided upper lip and long hind legs; young born furred and with open eyes.

Hinayana: an offensive name for the early conservative Theravada Buddhism; it died out in India but survived in Sri Lanka and was taken from there to other regions of southwestern Asia.

Spiritualism: the belief that the spirits of dead people can communicate with people who are still alive (especially via a medium).

Endemic: a disease that is constantly present to a greater or lesser degree in people of a certain class or in people living in a particular location.

Domain: people in general; especially a distinctive group of people with some shared interest.

Association: a formal organization of people or groups of people.

Assemble: get people together.

Related Words

People : لوگ , Careful : محتاط , Cagey : ہوشیار , Gingerly : انتہائی ہوشیاری سے , Guarded : دانشمندانہ , Moderate : مناسب

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