چَلنے کے قابل : Chalnay Kay Qabil Meaning in English
Chalnay Kay Qabil in Detail
1 of 2) چلنے کے قابل : Ambulant Ambulatory : (satellite adjective) able to walk about.
2 of 2) سراغ لگانے کے قابل چلنے کے قابل سفر کے قابل : Traceable Trackable : (adjective) capable of being traced or tracked.
Useful Words
قابل : Able : (usually followed by `to') having the necessary means or skill or know-how or authority to do something. "Able to swim".
تقریباً : About : (of quantities) imprecise but fairly close to correct. "My clothes were not ironed due to lack of electricity I will be there by eight o`clock approximately".
قابل : Capable : (usually followed by `of`) having capacity or ability. "You guys let Imran drive He is capable in driving in hilly area".
چہل قدمی : Walk : the act of walking somewhere. "I walked to the end of the street".