چھٹی کا دن : Chati Ka Din Meaning in English
English Learning Video
Chati Ka Din in Detail
1 of 2) چھٹی چھٹی کا دن : Day Off : (noun) a day when you are not required to work.
2 of 2) چھٹی کا دن : Vac : (noun) informal term for vacation.
Useful Words
دن : 24-Hour Interval : time for Earth to make a complete rotation on its axis. "Where have you been for so many days?".
غیر رسمی : Informal : not formal. "Conservative people unaccustomed to informal dress".
نہیں : Non : negation of a word or group of words. "Will not go like that".
ضروری : Needed : necessary for relief or supply. "Provided them with all things needful".
اصطلاح : Term : a word or expression used for some particular thing. "He learned many medical terms".
چھٹی کرنا : Holiday : spend or take a vacation.
کام کرنا : Do Work : be employed. "Where have you been working before?".