Chili ChatniElaichiMasalay Mein Es...HaldiRaiLehsan Ka JuaLehsanMethi DanaChatniChate Pati ChatniCheeni ChatniAcharTukhm BadiyanBadiyani SonfBiryani Ka PhoolBadiyan Ka PhoolSoyaMasalay Mein Es...Vanila Kay Beej...Mirch Wali Chatni

چٹنی : Chatni Meaning in English

Chatni in Detail

1 of 2) چٹنی : Chutney Indian Relish : (noun) a spicy condiment made of chopped fruits or vegetables cooked in vinegar and sugar with ginger and spices.


2 of 2) چٹنی : Sauce : (noun) flavorful relish or dressing or topping served as an accompaniment to food.

Useful Words

کٹے : Chopped : prepared by cutting. "Sliced tomatoes".

لوازمات : Condiment : a preparation (a sauce or relish or spice) to enhance flavor or enjoyment. "Mustard and ketchup are condiments".

پکا ہوا : Cooked : having been prepared for eating by the application of heat.

پھل : Fruit : the ripened reproductive body of a seed plant. "No root, no fruit".

ادرک : Ginger : perennial plants having thick branching aromatic rhizomes and leafy reedlike stems. "Ginger tea good for flu".

بنایا ہوا : Made : produced by a manufacturing process. "Bought some made goods at the local store; rope and nails".

مزید مزیدار بنانا : Spice : make more interesting or flavorful. "Spice up the evening by inviting a belly dancer".

غیر اخلاقی : Blue : suggestive of blue impropriety. "A blue movie".

شکر : Refined Sugar : a white crystalline carbohydrate used as a sweetener and preservative.

ترکاری : Veg : edible seeds or roots or stems or leaves or bulbs or tubers or nonsweet fruits of any of numerous herbaceous plant. "It`s great having fresh vegetable".

خرّاٹے لینے