CheekhNaak Se Nikalna...Sans Ko Baa Awa...Sans Kharij Kar...HaiylHarfSoutiyaGuftagu KarnaCheekh UthnaDharAwami AwazKisi Ko Mutawjh...Awazain NikaalnaChalana ChikhnaShoor KarnaOwlNagawari Ki AwazKufarWaheyat

چیخ اُٹھنا : Cheekh Uthna Meaning in English

Cheekh Uthna Synonyms


Cheekh Uthna in Detail

3 of 4) چیخ اٹھنا چیخ و پکار چیخنا : Scream Screaming Screech Screeching Shriek Shrieking : (noun) a high-pitched noise resembling a human cry.

4 of 4) چیخ اٹھنا : Cry Yell : (noun) a loud utterance of emotion (especially when inarticulate).

Useful Words

رونا : Cry : shed tears because of sadness, rage, or pain. "You made me cry".

زیادہ : High : a lofty level or position or degree. "You are bidding high".

بنانا : Make : act in a certain way so as to acquire. "Make friends".

شور مچانا : Make Noise : emit a noise. "Make noise all at once".

بصیرت والا : Acute : having or demonstrating ability to recognize or draw fine distinctions. "A keen interest in education".

زیادہ مڑا ہوا : Acutely : changing suddenly in direction and degree. "The road twists sharply after the light".

Cheekh UthnaDetailQuiz
یہ تمہیں پہلے سوچنا چاہیے تھا