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چڑچڑا پن : Chirchirapan Pan Meaning in English

Chirchirapan Pan Synonyms


Chirchirapan Pan in Detail

1 of 7) بے تابی بے چینی چڑچڑا پن : Disquietude Edginess Inquietude Uneasiness : (noun) feelings of anxiety that make you tense and irritable.

3 of 7) جھلاہٹ چڑچڑا پن تنک مزاجی : Testiness Tetchiness Touchiness : (noun) feeling easily irritated.

4 of 7) چڑچڑا پن : Crabbedness Crabbiness Crossness : (noun) a disposition to be ill-tempered.

5 of 7) خبط بد مزاجی بدمزاجی : Contrariness Crankiness Crotchetiness Grumpiness : (noun) a fussy and eccentric disposition.

6 of 7) چڑچڑا پن بد مزاجی : Biliousness Irritability Peevishness Pettishness Snappishness Surliness Temper : (noun) a disposition to exhibit uncontrolled anger.

7 of 7) چڑچڑا پن : Bad Temper Ill Temper : (noun) a persisting angry mood.

Useful Words

پریشانی : Anxiety : (psychiatry) a relatively permanent state of worry and nervousness occurring in a variety of mental disorders, usually accompanied by compulsive behavior or attacks of panic. "Anxiety spreading in society".

احساس : Feeling : the experiencing of affective and emotional states. "No feeling no mercy".

چڑچڑا : Cranky : easily irritated, especially by unimportant things. It describes someone who is often in a bad mood, quick to get annoyed or upset over trivial matters, or generally irritable. "Don`t be cranky".

بنانا : Make : act in a certain way so as to acquire. "Make friends".

کھچنا : Strain : become stretched or tense or taut. "The bodybuilder's neck muscles tensed;".

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