Chand Kay BaghairChand KaChandni Se Muna...Akas DarSaiya DarTareki AawarZulmat AawarKam RoshanChmaktaJagmagata HuwaMuti JesaBatan JesiAndha Karnay WalaAag C ChamaktiSozanChamak DarBhrkeliMunerReeshmiReesham Goun

چمکتا : Chmakta Meaning in English

Chmakta Synonyms


Chmakta in Detail

1 of 2) روشن منور چمکتا : Aglow Lambent Lucent Luminous : (satellite adjective) softly bright or radiant.

2 of 2) تاباں چمکتا چمکیلا : Aglitter Coruscant Fulgid Glinting Glistering Glittering Glittery Scintillant Scintillating Sparkly : (satellite adjective) having brief brilliant points or flashes of light.

Useful Words

خاص معلومات دینا : Brief : give essential information to someone. "The reporters were briefed about the President's plan to invade".

چمکدار : Bright : emitting or reflecting light readily or in large amounts. "The sun is bright and hot".

عمدہ : Brilliant : of surpassing excellence. "A brilliant performance".

روشنی : Light : (physics) electromagnetic radiation that can produce a visual sensation. "I never slept with the light on".

نقطہ : Point : a geometric element that has position but no extension. "A point is defined by its coordinates".

چمکیلا : Beaming : radiating or as if radiating light. "The beaming sun".

خاموشی سے : Quietly : with low volume. "She said it so quietly".
