TasveerKisi Shay Ki Ch...Mukhtasar NaqalBaroodi Suranga...Surang Bachanay...KanBaroodi SurangQeema Karnay Wa...Choti Motor CycleMotor CycleChota ComputerMini SkirtZehni Dbao Dor ...Girja GharSikkay Banane K...Mint Ki SuiAankh Ki Putli ...MizailBe Ungali Ka Da...Aamiza Kar

چھوٹی موٹَر سائیکَل : Choti Motor Cycle Meaning in English

Choti Motor Cycle in Detail

1) چھوٹی موٹر سائیکل موٹر سائیکل : Minibike Motorbike : (noun) small motorcycle with a low frame and small wheels and elevated handlebars.


Useful Words

بجلی سے چلنے والی ٹرین : El : a railway that is powered by electricity and that runs on a track that is raised above the street level.

جسم : Anatomy : alternative names for the body of a human being. "Anatomy of liver and surrounding".

دستہ : Handlebar : the shaped bar used to steer a bicycle.

کم : Low : less than normal in degree or intensity or amount. "Very low prices".

موٹر سائیکل : Bike : a motor vehicle with two wheels and a strong frame. "Let`s have a ride".

صغیر : Little : limited or below average in number or quantity or magnitude or extent. "A little living room".

موڑنا : Wheel : change directions as if revolving on a pivot. "They wheeled their horses around and left".

Choti Motor CycleDetailQuiz
شرم نہیں آئی یہ کہتے ہوئے