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Comfortably meaning in Urdu

Comfortably Sentences

She could have been lying comfortably in bed getting the same relief.
He works comfortably on three continents.

Comfortably Definitions

1 of 2) Comfortably : آسانی سے : (adverb) in mental comfort; without stress.


2 of 2) Comfortably : آرام سے : (adverb) in physical comfort.

Useful Words

Lounge : تشریف رکھنا , Close : تنگ مگر آرام دہ جگہ , Living Wage : اجرت جس میں گزارا ہوسکے , Ataraxis : چین , Mental Strain : تناو , Battle Fatigue : حربی تھکن , Comfortable : اطمینان بخش , Weakness : ناتوانی , Comfortless : بے سکون , Solace : تسلی , Inconvenient : پریشان کن , Convenient : مناسب , Comforting : تسلی بخش , Genial : کرم کرنے والا , Lap Of Luxury : عیش و عشرت , Harbor : پناہ گاہ , Accumbent : لیٹا ہوا , Cosiness : چین , Hopeless : نا امید , Consolation : تسلی , Hopelessly : نا امیدی سے , Hopelessness : ناامیدی , Polo Shirt : ایک غیر رسمی قمیض , Cuddle : پیار سے گلے لگانا , Accessory After The Fact : مجرم کا مددگار , Wear : کثرت استعمال سے فرسودہ کر دینا , Accent : تاکید کرنا , Accent : زور دینا , Unstressed : جس پر زور نہ دیا گیا ہو , Calm : سکون , Accented : زور دے کر بولا ہوا

Useful Words Definitions

Lounge: sit or recline comfortably.

Close: fitting closely but comfortably.

Living Wage: a wage sufficient for a worker and family to subsist comfortably.

Ataraxis: the absence of mental stress or anxiety.

Mental Strain: (psychology) nervousness resulting from mental stress.

Battle Fatigue: a mental disorder caused by stress of active warfare.

Comfortable: free from stress or conducive to mental ease; having or affording peace of mind.

Weakness: the property of lacking physical or mental strength; liability to failure under pressure or stress or strain.

Comfortless: without comfort.

Solace: comfort in disappointment or misery.

Inconvenient: not suited to your comfort, purpose or needs.

Convenient: suited to your comfort or purpose or needs.

Comforting: affording comfort or solace.

Genial: agreeable, conducive to comfort.

Lap Of Luxury: in conditions of wealth and comfort.

Harbor: a place of refuge and comfort and security.

Accumbent: lying down; in a position of comfort or rest.

Cosiness: a state of warm snug comfort.

Hopeless: without hope because there seems to be no possibility of comfort or success.

Consolation: the comfort you feel when consoled in times of disappointment.

Hopelessly: without hope; desperate because there seems no possibility of comfort or success.

Hopelessness: the despair you feel when you have abandoned hope of comfort or success.

Polo Shirt: a shirt with short sleeves designed for comfort and casual wear.

Cuddle: hold (a person or thing) close, as for affection, comfort, or warmth.

Accessory After The Fact: a person who gives assistance or comfort to someone known to be a felon or known to be sought in connection with the commission of a felony.

Wear: deteriorate through use or stress.

Accent: to stress, single out as important.

Accent: put stress on; utter with an accent.

Unstressed: not bearing a stress or accent.

Calm: steadiness of mind under stress.

Accented: bearing a stress or accent.

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