Common Purslane meaning in Urdu
Common Purslane Synonyms
Common Purslane Definitions
1) Common Purslane, Portulaca Oleracea, Pussley, Pussly, Verdolagas : خرفہ سبزی : (noun) weedy trailing mat-forming herb with bright yellow flowers cultivated for its edible mildly acid leaves eaten raw or cooked especially in Indian and Greek and Middle Eastern cuisine; cosmopolitan.
Useful Words
Common Chickweed : ازخود اگنے والا سفید پھولوں والا پودا , Tomato : ٹماٹر , Coltsfoot : سدا بہار بوٹی , Apium Graveolens Dulce : پترسیلی , Ball Nettle : کانٹے دار پودا , Clintonia Borealis : نیلی بوندی والا پودا , Golden Buttons : لونگ , Bugleweed : امریکی سفید پھولوں والی خوشبو دار جری بوٹی , Feverroot : جنگلی کافی کی جھاڑی , Black-Eyed Susan : گھنٹے بھر کا پھول , Baptisia Tinctoria : فلورڈا کی جڑی بوٹی , Adenanthera Pavonina : سرخ صندل کا درخت , Horsetail : سدا بہار جڑی بوٹی , Cajan Pea : ارہر کی دال , Actinomeris Alternifolia : مشرقی امریکی پودا , Acalypha Virginica : امریکی جڑی بوٹی , Agaricus Campestris : چراگاہی کھمبی , Actinidia Polygama : پیلی کیوی کی بیل , Actaea Rubra : لال زہریلی بیری , White Radish : مولی , Indian Mustard : سرسوں , Anemone Quinquefolia : گل حسرت , Cowslip : گیندے کاپہول , Aconitum Lycoctonum : زہریلا پھولدار پودا , Spinach : پالک , Acacia Catechu : کانٹے دار اکاشیا , Clatonia Lanceolata : بہار میں کھلنے والے پھول , Black Henbane : ایک زہریلا پیڑ , Common Four-O'clock : رنگ برنگی پھولوں والا امریکی پودا , Actinidia Arguta : چھوٹی کیوی , Aztec Lily : میکسیکو میں لگنے والا پودا
Useful Words Definitions
Common Chickweed: a common low-growing annual garden weed with small white flowers; cosmopolitan; so-called because it is eaten by chickens.
Tomato: mildly acid red or yellow pulpy fruit eaten as a vegetable.
Coltsfoot: perennial herb with large rounded leaves resembling a colt's foot and yellow flowers appearing before the leaves do; native to Europe but now nearly cosmopolitan; used medicinally especially formerly.
Apium Graveolens Dulce: widely cultivated herb with aromatic leaf stalks that are eaten raw or cooked.
Ball Nettle: coarse prickly weed having pale yellow flowers and yellow berrylike fruit; common throughout southern and eastern United States.
Clintonia Borealis: common woodland herb of temperate North America having yellow nodding flowers and small round blue fruits.
Golden Buttons: common perennial aromatic herb native to Eurasia having buttonlike yellow flower heads and bitter-tasting pinnate leaves sometimes used medicinally.
Bugleweed: a mildly narcotic and astringent aromatic herb having small whitish flowers; eastern United States.
Feverroot: coarse weedy American perennial herb with large usually perfoliate leaves and purple or dull red flowers.
Black-Eyed Susan: annual weedy herb with ephemeral yellow purple-eyed flowers; Old World tropics; naturalized as a weed in North America.
Baptisia Tinctoria: much-branched erect herb with bright yellow flowers; distributed from Massachusetts to Florida.
Adenanthera Pavonina: East Indian tree with racemes of yellow-white flowers; cultivated as an ornamental.
Horsetail: perennial rushlike flowerless herbs with jointed hollow stems and narrow toothlike leaves that spread by creeping rhizomes; tend to become weedy; common in northern hemisphere; some in Africa and South America.
Cajan Pea: tropical woody herb with showy yellow flowers and flat pods; much cultivated in the tropics.
Actinomeris Alternifolia: perennial herb with showy yellow flowers; the eastern United States.
Acalypha Virginica: weedy herb of eastern North America.
Agaricus Campestris: common edible mushroom found naturally in moist open soil; the cultivated mushroom of commerce.
Actinidia Polygama: ornamental vine of eastern Asia having yellow edible fruit and leaves with silver-white markings.
Actaea Rubra: North American perennial herb with alternately compound leaves and racemes of small white flowers followed by bright red oval poisonous berries.
White Radish: pungent fleshy long hard edible root eaten raw or cooked.
Indian Mustard: leaves eaten as cooked greens.
Anemone Quinquefolia: common anemone of eastern North America with solitary pink-tinged white flowers.
Cowslip: early spring flower common in British isles having fragrant yellow or sometimes purple flowers.
Aconitum Lycoctonum: poisonous Eurasian perennial herb with broad rounded leaves and yellow flowers and fibrous rootstock.
Spinach: dark green leaves; eaten cooked or raw in salads.
Acacia Catechu: East Indian spiny tree having twice-pinnate leaves and yellow flowers followed by flat pods; source of black catechu.
Clatonia Lanceolata: small slender plant having one pair of succulent leaves at the middle of the stem and a loose raceme of white or pink or rose bowl-shaped flowers and an edible corm.
Black Henbane: poisonous fetid Old World herb having sticky hairy leaves and yellow-brown flowers; yields hyoscyamine and scopolamine.
Common Four-O'clock: common garden plant of North America having fragrant red or purple or yellow or white flowers that open in late afternoon.
Actinidia Arguta: climbing Asiatic vine having long finely serrate leaves and racemes of white flowers followed by greenish-yellow edible fruit.
Aztec Lily: Mexican bulbous herb cultivated for its handsome bright red solitary flower.