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Country Club meaning in Urdu

Country Club Definitions

1) Country Club : تفریح کا کلب : (noun) a suburban club for recreation and socializing.


Useful Words

Ace Of Clubs : اکا پتے کا , Clubable : ملنے والا , Bludgeon : ڈنڈا , Cudgel : ڈنڈا , Bat : بلا , Ground Fir : مختلف قسم کے کلب موس پودے , Turnverein : جمناسٹیوں کی انجمن , Rotarian : روٹری کلب کا رکن , Bludgeon : ڈنڈے سے مارنا , Sorority : لڑکیوں کی انجمن , Indian Club : بوتل کی شکل کی چوب جو وررش میں استعمال ہوتی ہے , Baton : ڈنڈا , Parlor : بیٹھک , Jockey Club : گھڑ دوڑ کا کلب , Guest Night : مہمانوں کی شام , Knobkerrie : لاٹھی نما چھڑی , Club Moss : کلب موس بغیر پہولوں کا سدا بہار پودا , Valet Parking : ہوٹل یا ہوائی اڈے وغیرہ کے داخلے پر گاڑی کھڑی کرنے کی جگہ , Colonialism : استعماریت , Alien : غیر ملکی , Exchanger : رقوم کا تبادلہ کرنے والا , Defect : اپنی فوج چھوڑ کر دوسری میں شامل ہونا , Heartland : اہم علاقہ , Countryman : ہم وطن , Reunify : ایک قوم یا ملک میں جمع کر دینا , Country Of Origin : مادر وطن , Abroad : بیرون ملک , Bucolic : دیہاتی , Civil War : خانہ جنگی , Compatriot : ہم وطن , Home : اندرون ملک

Useful Words Definitions

Ace Of Clubs: the ace in the club suit.

Clubable: inclined to club together.

Bludgeon: a club used as a weapon.

Cudgel: a club that is used as a weapon.

Bat: the club used in playing cricket.

Ground Fir: a variety of club moss.

Turnverein: a club of tumblers or gymnasts.

Rotarian: a member of a Rotary Club.

Bludgeon: strike with a club or a bludgeon.

Sorority: a social club for female undergraduates.

Indian Club: a bottle-shaped club used in exercises.

Baton: a short stout club used primarily by policemen.

Parlor: reception room in an inn or club where visitors can be received.

Jockey Club: a club to promote and regulate horse racing.

Guest Night: an evening when members of a club or college can bring their friends as guests.

Knobkerrie: a short wooden club with a heavy knob on one end; used by aborigines in southern Africa.

Club Moss: primitive evergreen moss-like plant with spores in club-shaped strobiles.

Valet Parking: a service provided (at a club or restaurant or airport etc.) whereby a patron leaves a car at the entrance and an attendant parks and retrieves it.

Colonialism: exploitation by a stronger country of weaker one; the use of the weaker country`s resources to strengthen and enrich the stronger country.

Alien: a person who comes from a foreign country; someone who does not owe allegiance to your country.

Exchanger: one whose business is to exchange the money of one country for that of another country.

Defect: desert (a cause, a country or an army), often in order to join the opposing cause, country, or army.

Heartland: the central region of a country or continent; especially a region that is important to a country or to a culture.

Countryman: a man from your own country.

Reunify: unify again, as of a country.

Country Of Origin: the country where you were born.

Abroad: in a foreign country.

Bucolic: a country person.

Civil War: a war between factions in the same country.

Compatriot: a person from your own country.

Home: inside the country.

Related Words

Club : انجمن

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