Cover Girl meaning in Urdu
Cover Girl Synonyms
Cover Girl Definitions
1) Cover Girl, Lovely, Pin-Up : خوبصورت لڑکی جو موڈلنگ کرتی ہو : (noun) a very pretty girl who works as a photographer's model.
Useful Words
Rosebud : جوان لڑکی , Girlishly : بچی کی طرح , Servant Girl : خادم لڑکی , Girlishness : لڑکی پنا , Girlhood : دوشیزگی , Moppet : چھوٹی بچی , Colleen : لڑکی , Maid : کنواری لڑکی , Scout Group : دستہ , She : وہ لڑکی , Peri : ایک حسین عورت , She : وہ لڑکی , Girlish : لڑکیوں کی طرح , Beau : کسی لڑکی کا عاشق , Jeune Fille : چھوکری , Au Pair Girl : بیرونی لڑکی جو گھریلو کام کاج کرے , Hoyden : لڑکے نما لڑکی , Country Girl : دیہاتی لڑکی , Girl : کسی مرد کی محبوبہ , Laiba : پری , Dog : بد مزاج عورت , Sweater Girl : ابھری ہوئی چھاتیوں والی لڑکی , Flower Girl : بارات پر پھول نچھاور کرنے والی لڑکی , Cuteness : کشش , Spitfire : آتش مزاج , Ingenue : کسی ڈرامے میں کوئی لڑکی ایک معصوم لڑکی کا کردار پیش کرے , Bury : چھپنا , Bestrew : چھڑکنا , Bed Cover : مسہری کی چادر , Cloak : ڈھکا ہوا , Cover : ڈھانکنا
Useful Words Definitions
Rosebud: (a literary reference to) a pretty young girl.
Girlishly: like a girl.
Servant Girl: a girl who is a servant.
Girlishness: being characteristic of a girl.
Girlhood: the childhood of a girl.
Moppet: a little girl (usually one you are fond of).
Colleen: an Irish girl.
Maid: an unmarried girl (especially a virgin).
Scout Group: a unit of Girl or Boy Scouts.
She: Used to refer a woman or girl.
Peri: a beautiful and graceful girl.
She: Used to refer a woman or girl.
Girlish: befitting or characteristic of a young girl.
Beau: a man who is the lover of a girl or young woman.
Jeune Fille: a girl or young woman who is unmarried.
Au Pair Girl: a foreign girl serving as an au pair.
Hoyden: a girl who behaves in a boyish manner.
Country Girl: a girl who lives in rural area.
Girl: a girl or young woman with whom a man is romantically involved.
Laiba: Muslim girl name which means beautiful and fairy.
Dog: a dull unattractive unpleasant girl or woman.
Sweater Girl: a girl with an attractive bust who wears tight sweaters.
Flower Girl: a young girl who carries flowers in a (wedding) procession.
Cuteness: the quality of being appealing in a delicate or graceful way (of a girl or young woman).
Spitfire: a highly emotional and quick-tempered person (especially a girl or woman).
Ingenue: an actress who specializes in playing the role of an artless innocent young girl.
Bury: cover from sight.
Bestrew: cover by strewing.
Bed Cover: decorative cover for a bed.
Cloak: cover as if with clothing.
Cover: cover as if with a shroud.