Covert meaning in Urdu
Covert Sentences
Covert Synonyms
Covert Definitions
1 of 3) Covert : خفیہ, پوشیدہ : (adjective) secret or hidden; not openly practiced or engaged in or shown or avowed.
Covert funding for the rebels.
2 of 3) Covert, Concealment, Cover, Screen : آڑ : (noun) a covering that serves to conceal or shelter something.
3 of 3) Covert : بیوی کا میاں کی پناہ میں ہونا : (satellite adjective) (of a wife) being under the protection of her husband.
A woman covert.
Useful Words
Covertness : اخفاء , Covertly : خفیہ طور پر , Subterranean : درپردہ , Cabalistic : مخفی , Open : کھلا اور دیکھنے کے لائق , Outright : واضح طور پر , Emerge : ظاہر ہونا , Lurcher : گھات لگانے والا , Aboveboard : دیانتدار , Blatant : کھلم کھلا , Cover-Up : پردہ پوشی , Prove : ثابت کرنا , Arguably : قابل بحث طور پر , Display : نمایش کرنا , Cinema : سینما , Diagrammatic : شکلی , Avowed : اقراری , Secret : مخفی , In Secret : پوشیدہ طور پر , Acclaim : سراہنا , Secretly : خفیہ طور پر , Telefilm : فلم جو ٹیلی ویژن پر دکھانے کے لیے بنائی گئی ہو , Acumen : سمجھ بوجھ , Health Facility : ہسپتال , Accustomed : حسب معمول , Hiding : روپوشی , Leery : ناقابل اعتبار , Display : نمایش کرنا , Avower : کھلم کھلا اعتراف کرنے والا , Dotage : سٹھیاپا , Privy : نجی
Useful Words Definitions
Covertness: the state of being covert and hidden.
Covertly: in a covert manner.
Subterranean: lying beyond what is openly revealed or avowed (especially being kept in the background or deliberately concealed).
Cabalistic: having a secret or hidden meaning.
Open: open and observable; not secret or hidden.
Outright: without reservation or concealment.
Emerge: come out into view, as from concealment.
Lurcher: someone waiting in concealment.
Aboveboard: without concealment or deception; honest.
Blatant: without any attempt at concealment; completely obvious.
Cover-Up: concealment that attempts to prevent something scandalous from becoming public.
Prove: be shown or be found to be.
Arguably: as can be shown by argument.
Display: something shown to the public.
Cinema: a theater where films are shown.
Diagrammatic: shown or represented by diagrams.
Avowed: openly declared as such.
Secret: not openly made known.
In Secret: in secrecy; not openly.
Acclaim: extolment openly.
Secretly: not openly; inwardly.
Telefilm: a movie that is made to be shown on television.
Acumen: shrewdness shown by keen insight.
Health Facility: building where medicine is practiced.
Accustomed: commonly used or practiced; usual.
Hiding: the state of being hidden.
Leery: openly distrustful and unwilling to confide.
Display: exhibiting openly in public view.
Avower: someone who admits or acknowledges openly and boldly.
Dotage: mental infirmity as a consequence of old age; sometimes shown by foolish infatuations.
Privy: hidden from general view or use.
Related Words
Jurisprudence : اصول , Implicit : اشارتاً , Backstair : عیارانہ , Clandestine : خفیہ , Collusive : ملی بھگت , Cloaked : چھپا , Behind-The-Scenes : خفیہ طور پر