Coverlet Covering Fire Covering Covered Wagon Covered Stand Covered Stadium Covered Coverall Covert Covertly Covertness Covet Coveted Covetous Covetously Covetousness Covey Coville Cow Cow Barn

Covert meaning in Urdu

Covert Sentences

The brush provided a covert for game.
Covert actions by the CIA.

Covert Synonyms


Covert Definitions

1 of 3) Covert : خفیہ, پوشیدہ : (adjective) secret or hidden; not openly practiced or engaged in or shown or avowed.

Covert funding for the rebels.

2 of 3) Covert, Concealment, Cover, Screen : آڑ : (noun) a covering that serves to conceal or shelter something.

3 of 3) Covert : بیوی کا میاں کی پناہ میں ہونا : (satellite adjective) (of a wife) being under the protection of her husband.

A woman covert.

Useful Words

Covertness : اخفاء , Covertly : خفیہ طور پر , Subterranean : درپردہ , Cabalistic : مخفی , Open : کھلا اور دیکھنے کے لائق , Outright : واضح طور پر , Emerge : ظاہر ہونا , Lurcher : گھات لگانے والا , Aboveboard : دیانتدار , Blatant : کھلم کھلا , Cover-Up : پردہ پوشی , Prove : ثابت کرنا , Arguably : قابل بحث طور پر , Display : نمایش کرنا , Cinema : سینما , Diagrammatic : شکلی , Avowed : اقراری , Secret : مخفی , In Secret : پوشیدہ طور پر , Acclaim : سراہنا , Secretly : خفیہ طور پر , Telefilm : فلم جو ٹیلی ویژن پر دکھانے کے لیے بنائی گئی ہو , Acumen : سمجھ بوجھ , Health Facility : ہسپتال , Accustomed : حسب معمول , Hiding : روپوشی , Leery : ناقابل اعتبار , Display : نمایش کرنا , Avower : کھلم کھلا اعتراف کرنے والا , Dotage : سٹھیاپا , Privy : نجی

Useful Words Definitions

Covertness: the state of being covert and hidden.

Covertly: in a covert manner.

Subterranean: lying beyond what is openly revealed or avowed (especially being kept in the background or deliberately concealed).

Cabalistic: having a secret or hidden meaning.

Open: open and observable; not secret or hidden.

Outright: without reservation or concealment.

Emerge: come out into view, as from concealment.

Lurcher: someone waiting in concealment.

Aboveboard: without concealment or deception; honest.

Blatant: without any attempt at concealment; completely obvious.

Cover-Up: concealment that attempts to prevent something scandalous from becoming public.

Prove: be shown or be found to be.

Arguably: as can be shown by argument.

Display: something shown to the public.

Cinema: a theater where films are shown.

Diagrammatic: shown or represented by diagrams.

Avowed: openly declared as such.

Secret: not openly made known.

In Secret: in secrecy; not openly.

Acclaim: extolment openly.

Secretly: not openly; inwardly.

Telefilm: a movie that is made to be shown on television.

Acumen: shrewdness shown by keen insight.

Health Facility: building where medicine is practiced.

Accustomed: commonly used or practiced; usual.

Hiding: the state of being hidden.

Leery: openly distrustful and unwilling to confide.

Display: exhibiting openly in public view.

Avower: someone who admits or acknowledges openly and boldly.

Dotage: mental infirmity as a consequence of old age; sometimes shown by foolish infatuations.

Privy: hidden from general view or use.

Related Words

Jurisprudence : اصول , Implicit : اشارتاً , Backstair : عیارانہ , Clandestine : خفیہ , Collusive : ملی بھگت , Cloaked : چھپا , Behind-The-Scenes : خفیہ طور پر

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