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Creaking meaning in Urdu

Creaking Synonym

Creaking Definitions

1) Creaking, Creak : چوں چوں : (noun) a squeaking sound.


Useful Words

Quality : آواز کی خصوصی کیفیت , Sonic Boom : صوتی دھماکا , Assonant : ہم صوت , Echo : گونج , Bleat : بھیڑ کی آواز , Noise : آواز , Meow : بلی کی آواز , Acrophony : ہم آواز الفاظ , Quietly : کم آواز سے , Homophonic : ہم آواز , Noiselessly : بغیر آواز کے , Sound : بجانا , Laugh : ہنسی , Debacle : مکمل شکست , Dependable : سود مند , Quiet : آواز کی غیر موجودگی , Raucously : بھرائی ہوئی آواز کے ساتھ , Quaver : لرزنے کی آواز , Resonate : گونج پیدا کرنے والی , Aurally : سننے میں , Abuzz : بھنبھنانا , Ring : آواز , Chime : بجنا , Bark : بہونک , Jangle : عجیب آواز نکالنا , Cacophonic : بے سرا , Strum : کسی ساز پر ہلکے ہلکے انگلیاں پھیرنا جس سے آواز پیدا ہو , Crunch : کچر کچر , Common Sense : سمجھ , Cackel : کڑکڑانا , Beat : بجانا

Useful Words Definitions

Quality: (music) the distinctive property of a complex sound (a voice or noise or musical sound).

Sonic Boom: an explosive sound caused by the shock wave of an airplane traveling faster than the speed of sound.

Assonant: having the same sound (especially the same vowel sound) occurring in successive stressed syllables.

Echo: the repetition of a sound resulting from reflection of the sound waves.

Bleat: the sound of sheep or goats (or any sound resembling this).

Noise: sound of any kind (especially unintelligible or dissonant sound).

Meow: the sound made by a cat (or any sound resembling this).

Acrophony: naming a letter of the alphabet by using a word whose initial sound is the sound represented by that letter.

Quietly: with little or no sound.

Homophonic: having the same sound.

Noiselessly: without a sound.

Sound: cause to sound.

Laugh: the sound of laughing.

Debacle: a sound defeat.

Dependable: financially sound.

Quiet: the absence of sound.

Raucously: with a raucous sound.

Quaver: a tremulous sound.

Resonate: sound with resonance.

Aurally: with regard to sound or the ear.

Abuzz: noisy like the sound of a bee.

Ring: a characteristic sound.

Chime: emit a sound.

Bark: the sound made by a dog.

Jangle: a metallic sound.

Cacophonic: having an unpleasant sound.

Strum: sound of strumming.

Crunch: the sound of something crunching.

Common Sense: sound practical judgment.

Cackel: make a cackling sound.

Beat: make a rhythmic sound.
