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درمیانہ : Darmiyana Meaning in English

Darmiyana Sentences

Darmiyana in Detail

1) اوسط درمیان درمیانہ : Average Intermediate Medium : (satellite adjective) around the middle of a scale of evaluation.


Useful Words

ارد گرد : About : in the area or vicinity. "Every time I look out the window, the boy is walking around our house, she told the police".

درجہ : Evaluation : an appraisal of the value of something. "They set a high valuation on friendship".

وسطی : In-Between : being neither at the beginning nor at the end in a series. "Adolescence is an awkward in-between age".

پیمانہ : Scale : relative magnitude. "I was getting a job in this company but their pay scale was not good".
