Defence Defector Defectiveness Defectively Defective Defection Defect Defecation Defence Force Defenceless Defencelessly Defencelessness Defend Defendable Defendant Defender Defending Team Defenestration Defense Defense Force

Defence Force meaning in Urdu

Defence Force Synonyms


Defence Force Definitions

1) Defence Force, Defence, Defense, Defense Force : تحفظ, دفاع : (noun) an organization of defenders that provides resistance against attack.

Useful Words

Martello Tower : ساحلوں کی حفاظت کے لیے بنایا گیا قلعہ , Dha : ڈی ایچ اے , Counterattack : جوابی حملہ , Afrl : امریکی فضائی تجربہ گاہ , Armed Forces : کسی قوم کی فوج , Iqra University Karachi : اقرا یونیورسٹی , Guerilla : چھاپہ مار , Counteroffensive : جوابی حملہ , Duty : فرض , Interfere : مداخلت کرنا , Forcible : طاقت ور , Absolute Viscosity : بہاو کی طاقت کا پیمانہ , Beleaguering : گھیراو , Operative : موثر , Ahpcrc : امریکی دفاعی مرکز , Antiaircraft : طیارہ شکن , Tooth : دانت , 3rd October Organization : آرمینی عسکری تنظیم , Foist : بوج دوسرے پر ڈالنا , Compel : مجبور کرنا , Torque : وہ جو مروڑ یا گردش پیدا کرے , Conquer : دبانا , Gently : ہلکے سے , Keep Down : زیر اثر رکھنا , Deposit : رکھنا , Push : زور سے دھکا دینا , Fend : مزاحمت کرنا , Coldcock : مار گرانا , Disunite : جدا کرنا , Hands : افرادی قوت , Tooth And Nail : پوری طاقت سے

Useful Words Definitions

Martello Tower: a circular masonry fort for coastal defence.

Dha: Defence Housing Authority in Karachi, Lahore and Islamabad.

Counterattack: an attack by a defending force against an attacking enemy force in order to regain lost ground or cut off enemy advance units etc.

Afrl: a United States Air Force defense laboratory responsible for discovering and developing and integrating fighting technologies for aerospace forces.

Armed Forces: armed forces are organized military units, including the Army, Navy, Air Force, and more, tasked with safeguarding a nation`s security and interests, often through combat, defense, and peacekeeping operations.

Iqra University Karachi: The Iqra University is a private research university, main campus lacated at Defence View, adjacent to Expressway, Karachi.

Guerilla: a member of an irregular armed force that fights a stronger force by sabotage and harassment.

Counteroffensive: a large scale offensive (more than a counterattack) undertaken by a defending force to seize the initiative from an attacking force.

Duty: the social force that binds you to the courses of action demanded by that force.

Interfere: get involved, so as to alter or hinder an action, or through force or threat of force.

Forcible: impelled by physical force especially against resistance.

Absolute Viscosity: a measure of the resistance to flow of a fluid under an applied force.

Beleaguering: the action of an armed force that surrounds a fortified place and isolates it while continuing to attack.

Operative: being in force or having or exerting force.

Ahpcrc: a United States defense laboratory to conduct research in high-performance computing for defense technology applications; a partnership of government and university and industry.

Antiaircraft: designed for defense from a surface position against air attack.

Tooth: hard bonelike structures in the jaws of vertebrates; used for biting and chewing or for attack and defense.

3rd October Organization: a militant Marxist-Leninist terrorist organization formed in 1975 to force Turkey to acknowledge killing more than a million Armenians and forcibly removing them from border areas in 1915; wants Turkey to pay reparations and cede territory to Armenia.

Foist: to force onto another.

Compel: force somebody to do something.

Torque: a twisting force.

Conquer: to put down by force or authority.

Gently: with little weight or force.

Keep Down: put down by force or intimidation.

Deposit: put, fix, force, or implant.

Push: the force used in pushing.

Fend: withstand the force of something.

Coldcock: knock down with force.

Disunite: force, take, or pull apart.

Hands: the force of workers available.

Tooth And Nail: with force and ferocity.

Related Words

Organisation : تنظیم

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