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دھُن : Dehan Meaning in English

Dehan in Detail

1) دھن سر گیت : Melody Tonal Pattern : (noun) the perception of pleasant arrangements of musical notes.


Useful Words

بندوبست : Agreement : the thing arranged or agreed to. "They made arrangements to meet in Chicago".

موسیقی والا : Musical : characterized by or capable of producing music. "A musical evening".

غور کرنا : Mention : make mention of. "She observed that his presentation took up too much time".

شعور : Percept : the representation of what is perceived; basic component in the formation of a concept. "If you this he dresses up like a miller so he is not a killer at all, it`s your wrong perception".

خوشگوار : Pleasant : affording pleasure; being in harmony with your taste or likings. "We need a girl with a pleasant personality for our reception".

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