Denominate meaning in Urdu
Denominate Synonym
Denominate Definitions
1) Denominate, Designate : نام رکھنا, کہلانا, نامزد کرنا : (verb) assign a name or title to.
Useful Words
Title Page : کتاب کا پہلا صفحہ , Running Title : کتابی عنوان , Designate : طے ہونا , Designative : منصبی , Slate : طے کرنا , Style : نام دینا , Underestimate : اصل قدر سے کم قیمت لگانا , Task : کسی کو کام دینا , Locate : مقرر کرنا , Miscall : غلط نام دینا , Rename : نیا نام رکھنا , Prioritise : ترجیح دینا , Classify : قسم بندی کرنا , Grade : درجہ بندی کرنا , Misdate : غلط تاریخ لگانا , Categorise : زمرہ بندی کرنا , Construe : مطلب نکالنا , Celebrate : اہمیت دینا , Allow : ایک طرف کرنا , Appoint : مقرر ہونا , Break : درجہ کم کرنا , Advance : بڑا عہدا دینا , Entitle : عنوان دینا , Alienee : منتقل الیہ , Transferor : جائیداد منتقل کرنے والا , Common Man : عام شخص , Transferee : منتقل الیہ , Titular : نام , Claimant : مدعی , Subtitle : وضاحتی عنوان , Alienor : انتقال کنندہ
Useful Words Definitions
Title Page: a title page is the front page of a document, book, or report that displays the title, subtitle, author`s name, and other relevant information. It often includes the title in a large, prominent font.
Running Title: the title (or a shortened title) of a book used as a running head.
Designate: decree or designate beforehand.
Designative: serving to designate.
Slate: designate or schedule.
Style: designate by an identifying term.
Underestimate: assign too low a value to.
Task: assign a task to.
Locate: assign a location to.
Miscall: assign in incorrect name to.
Rename: assign a new name to somthing or someone.
Prioritise: assign a priority to.
Classify: assign to a class or kind.
Grade: assign a rank or rating to.
Misdate: assign the wrong date to.
Categorise: place into or assign to a category.
Construe: make sense of; assign a meaning to.
Celebrate: assign great social importance to.
Allow: give or assign a resource to a particular person or cause.
Appoint: assign a duty, responsibility or obligation to.
Break: assign to a lower position; reduce in rank.
Advance: give a promotion to or assign to a higher position.
Entitle: give a title to.
Alienee: someone to whom the title of property is transferred.
Transferor: (law) someone who conveys a title or property to another.
Common Man: a person who holds no title.
Transferee: (law) someone to whom a title or property is conveyed.
Titular: of or relating to a legal title to something.
Claimant: someone who claims a benefit or right or title.
Subtitle: secondary or explanatory title.
Alienor: someone from whom the title of property is transferred.