ڈھیر : Dher Meaning in English
Dher Synonyms
Dher in Detail
1 of 5) ڈھیر انبار : Agglomerate Cumulation Cumulus Heap Mound Pile : (noun) a collection of objects laid on top of each other.
3 of 5) مجموعہ ذخیرہ ڈھیر : Accumulation Aggregation Assemblage Collection : (noun) several things grouped together or considered as a whole.
4 of 5) ڈھیر : Agglomeration : (noun) a jumbled collection or mass.
5 of 5) ٹکڑوں سے بنا ذخیرہ ڈھیر : Aggregate Congeries Conglomeration : (noun) a sum total of many heterogenous things taken together.
Useful Words
کوئی : Any : to any degree or extent. "It isn`t any great thing".
رسالہ : Collection : a publication containing a variety of works. "Compendium of many corporate laws".
قریب قریب : Compact : closely and firmly united or packed together. "Compact soil".
فی کس : Apiece : to or from every one of two or more (considered individually). "They received $10 each".
مادہ : Mass : the property of a body that causes it to have weight in a gravitational field.
چیز : Object : a tangible and visible entity; an entity that can cast a shadow. "It was full of rackets, balls and other objects".
قدیم دور کے متعلق : Early : belonging to the distant past. "The early inhabitants of Europe".
بات : Thing : a statement regarded as an object. "Do I say one thing?".
لٹو : Spinning Top : a toy which spins very fast on hard surface. "He got a bright red top and string for his birthday".