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دِل اور پھیپھڑوں سے مُتعَلِق : Dil Or Phephron Se Mutaliq Meaning in English

Dil Or Phephron Se Mutaliq in Detail

1) دل اور پھیپھڑوں سے متعلق : Cardiopulmonary Cardiorespiratory : (adjective) of or pertaining to or affecting both the heart and the lungs and their functions.


Useful Words

تکلیف دہ : Affecting : arousing affect. "The homecoming of the released hostages was an affecting scene".

دونوں : Both : (used with count nouns) two considered together; the two. "What`s happened to both of you?".

کام کرنا : Function : perform as expected when applied. "The washing machine won`t go unless it`s plugged in".

پھیپڑا : Lung : either of two saclike respiratory organs in the chest of vertebrates; serves to remove carbon dioxide and provide oxygen to the blood.

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