Disbelief meaning in Urdu
Disbelief Synonyms
Disbelief Definitions
1 of 2) Disbelief, Incredulity, Mental Rejection, Skepticism : یقین کے بارے میں شک ہونا : (noun) doubt about the truth of something.
2 of 2) Disbelief, Unbelief : عقیدہ نہ ماننا, بے اعتقادی, ایمان کا فقدان : (noun) a rejection of belief.
Useful Words
Forsooth : درحقیقت , Bedaze : دنگ کر دینا , Agnosticism : شک کی نظر سے دیکھنا , Daze : صدمہ , Headshake : نفی میں سر ہلانا , Know : سچائی جاننا , Negativeness : منفیت , Offer : آگے رکھنا , Abnegation : انکار , Proffer : دینا , Doubtless : بے شک , Assuredly : بلاشبہ , Quakerism : نظریہ , Doubting : شکی , Implicit : پختہ , Distrust : شک , By All Odds : بے شک , Clearly : بیشک , Unimpeachable : باوثوق , Belike : ممکنہ طور پر , Doubtful : مشکوک , All Right : یقیناً , Indisputable : جس میں شک کی کوئی گنجائش نہ ہو , Debatable : شک , Certain : یقینی , Doubtful : مشکوک , Peradventure : شاید , Allograft : انتقال عضو , Assurance : اعتماد , Cloud : خراب کرنا , Question : سوچنا
Useful Words Definitions
Forsooth: an archaic word originally meaning `in truth' but now usually used to express disbelief.
Bedaze: overcome as with astonishment or disbelief.
Agnosticism: the disbelief in any claims of ultimate knowledge.
Daze: the feeling of distress and disbelief that you have when something bad happens accidentally.
Headshake: the act of turning your head left and right to signify denial or disbelief or bemusement.
Know: be aware of the truth of something; have a belief or faith in something; regard as true beyond any doubt.
Negativeness: characterized by habitual skepticism and a disagreeable tendency to deny or oppose or resist suggestions or commands.
Offer: present for acceptance or rejection.
Abnegation: the denial and rejection of a doctrine or belief.
Proffer: a proposal offered for acceptance or rejection.
Doubtless: without doubt; certainly.
Assuredly: without a doubt.
Quakerism: the theological doctrine of the Society of Friends characterized by opposition to war and rejection of ritual and a formal creed and an ordained ministry.
Doubting: marked by or given to doubt.
Implicit: being without doubt or reserve.
Distrust: doubt about someone`s honesty.
By All Odds: without question and beyond doubt.
Clearly: without doubt or question.
Unimpeachable: beyond doubt or reproach.
Belike: with considerable certainty; without much doubt.
Doubtful: open to doubt or suspicion.
All Right: without doubt (used to reinforce an assertion).
Indisputable: impossible to doubt or dispute.
Debatable: open to doubt or debate.
Certain: established beyond doubt or question; definitely known.
Doubtful: fraught with uncertainty or doubt.
Peradventure: doubt or uncertainty as to whether something is the case.
Allograft: tissue or organ transplanted from a donor of the same species but different genetic makeup; recipient`s immune system must be suppressed to prevent rejection of the graft.
Assurance: freedom from doubt; belief in yourself and your abilities.
Cloud: place under suspicion or cast doubt upon.
Question: place in doubt or express doubtful speculation.