دور دراز علاقے کے متعلق : Dor Daraz Elaqy Kay Mutaliq Meaning in English
Dor Daraz Elaqy Kay Mutaliq in Detail
1) دور دراز علاقے کے متعلق : Long-Distance : (adjective) of or relating to or being a long-distance telephone call.
Useful Words
فون کرنا : Call : get or try to get into communication (with someone) by telephone. "Call me up".
بہت آگے نکل جانا : Distance : go far ahead of. "He outdistanced the other runners".
تڑپنا : Hanker : desire strongly or persistently. "He was longing to see you".
ٹیلی فون : Phone : electronic equipment that converts sound into electrical signals that can be transmitted over distances and then converts received signals back into sounds. "Why don`t you pick up the phone?".