Doubtfulness Doubtfully Doubtful Doubter Doubt Doubly Doubled Double-Tongued Doubting Doubtless Doubtlessly Dough Doughnut Doughnut-Shaped Doula Dour Dourly Douse Dousing Dove

Doubting meaning in Urdu

Doubting Synonyms


Doubting Definitions

1) Doubting, Questioning, Sceptical, Skeptical : شکی : (satellite adjective) marked by or given to doubt.

Useful Words

Sceptically : شک کی نظر سے , Enquiry : تفتیش , Interrogatively : سوال کے طور پر , Examination : استفسار , Questioningly : مذاق اڑاتے ھوئے , Challenge : اعتراض , Canvas : رائے طلب کرنا , Interview : گفتگو , Doubtless : بے شک , Assuredly : بلاشبہ , Cross-Examination : جرح , Distrust : شک , By All Odds : بے شک , Disbelief : یقین کے بارے میں شک ہونا , Unimpeachable : باوثوق , Clearly : بیشک , Implicit : پختہ , Doubtful : مشکوک , All Right : یقیناً , Peradventure : شاید , Belike : ممکنہ طور پر , Debatable : شک , Indisputable : جس میں شک کی کوئی گنجائش نہ ہو , Doubtful : مشکوک , Certain : یقینی , Assurance : اعتماد , Cloud : خراب کرنا , Certain : مطمئن , Question : سوچنا , Arriere Pensee : تحفظ , Conclusive : فیصلہ کن

Useful Words Definitions

Sceptically: with scepticism; in a sceptical manner.

Enquiry: an instance of questioning.

Interrogatively: in a questioning format.

Examination: formal systematic questioning.

Questioningly: in a quizzical and questioning manner.

Challenge: questioning a statement and demanding an explanation.

Canvas: obtain people`s opinions through precise questioning.

Interview: the questioning of a person (or a conversation in which information is elicited); often conducted by journalists.

Doubtless: without doubt; certainly.

Assuredly: without a doubt.

Cross-Examination: (law) close questioning of a hostile witness in a court of law to discredit or throw a new light on the testimony already provided in direct examination.

Distrust: doubt about someone`s honesty.

By All Odds: without question and beyond doubt.

Disbelief: doubt about the truth of something.

Unimpeachable: beyond doubt or reproach.

Clearly: without doubt or question.

Implicit: being without doubt or reserve.

Doubtful: fraught with uncertainty or doubt.

All Right: without doubt (used to reinforce an assertion).

Peradventure: doubt or uncertainty as to whether something is the case.

Belike: with considerable certainty; without much doubt.

Debatable: open to doubt or debate.

Indisputable: impossible to doubt or dispute.

Doubtful: open to doubt or suspicion.

Certain: established beyond doubt or question; definitely known.

Assurance: freedom from doubt; belief in yourself and your abilities.

Cloud: place under suspicion or cast doubt upon.

Certain: having or feeling no doubt or uncertainty; confident and assured.

Question: place in doubt or express doubtful speculation.

Arriere Pensee: an unstated doubt that prevents you from accepting something wholeheartedly.

Conclusive: forming an end or termination; especially putting an end to doubt or question.

Related Words

Distrustful : بے اعتمادی

Doubting in Book Titles

Doubting: Growing Through the Uncertainties of Faith.
Doubting Darwin?: Creationist Designs on Evolution.
Doubting Castle.

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