دوزخ : Dozakh Meaning in English
Dozakh Sentences
Dozakh Synonyms
Dozakh in Detail
1) دوزخ جہنم : Hell Infernal Region Inferno Nether Region Perdition Pit : (noun) (Christianity) the abode of Satan and the forces of evil; where sinners suffer eternal punishment.
Useful Words
گھر : Abode : housing that someone is living in. "I am about to arrive home".
عیسائیت : Christian Religion : a monotheistic system of beliefs and practices based on the Old Testament and the teachings of Jesus as embodied in the New Testament and emphasizing the role of Jesus as savior.
دائمی : Aeonian : continuing forever or indefinitely. "Everlasting life".
برائی : Evil : that which causes harm or destruction or misfortune. "May Allah save you from the evil eye".
زبردستی کرنا : Force : urge or force (a person) to an action; constrain or motivate. "The police forced him to take a statement from the boy".
سزا دینا : Penalisation : the act of punishing.
ابلیس : Beelzebub : (Judeo-Christian and Islamic religions) chief spirit of evil and adversary of God; tempter of mankind; master of Hell. "Think of the devil and the devil is here".
پاپی : Evildoer : a person who sins (without repenting). "Why does he consider me a sinner?".
اذیت جھیلنا : Endure : undergo or be subjected to. "You suffered a lot".