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Eastward meaning in Urdu

Eastward Sentence

They migrated eastward to Sweden.

Eastward Synonyms


Eastward Definitions

1 of 3) Eastward, Due East, E, East : مشرقی سمت : (noun) the cardinal compass point that is at 90 degrees.

2 of 3) Eastward, Eastbound : مشرق کی جانب جانے والا : (satellite adjective) moving toward the east.

3 of 3) Eastward, Eastwards : مشرق کی طرف : (adverb) toward the east.

Useful Words

Se : جنوب مشرق کے درمیان , Due North : شمال , Sbe : جنوب سمت نما پر نقطہ , Sebe : جنوب مشرق کے ایک درجہ مشرق کو ظاہر کرتا ھے , Syria : شام , Centigrade : سینٹی گریڈ , Celsius Scale : سنٹی گریڈ , Compass Flower : قطبی پودہ , Southwest By West : جنوب مغرب سے ایک درجہ مغرب , Sbw : جنوب بہ مغرب , Sebs : جنوب مشرق کا ایک درجہ جنوب , Amazon : جنوبی امریکا میں واقعے ایک بڑا دریا , Middle East : مشرق وسطی , Compass Card : قطب نما کا کارڈ , Northwest : شمال مغرب , Southwest : جنوب مغربی , Absolute Scale : درجہ حرارت جانچنے کا پیمانہ , East : مشرق کی جانب , East Wind : مشرق سے چلنے والی ہوا , Eastern : مشرقی , Cockney : مشرقی لندن کا , Lebanese Republic : لبنان , West Wind : مغرب سے مشرق کی طرف چلنے والی ہوا , Tennessee : امریکی ریاست , Abkhas : ابخازی لوگ , Abkhas : ابخازی شخص , Genus Houttuynia : ہتونیا پودا , Neolithic : بعد کے پتھر کے زمانے کا , Bimli : فائبر کا پودا , Left : بائیں طرف , Bluebird : پھل خور نیلا گانے والا پرندہ

Useful Words Definitions

Se: the compass point midway between south and east; at 135 degrees.

Due North: the cardinal compass point that is at 0 or 360 degrees.

Sbe: the compass point that is one point east of due south.

Sebe: the compass point that is one point east of southeast.

Syria: an Asian republic in the Middle East at the east end of the Mediterranean; site of some of the world`s most ancient centers of civilization.

Centigrade: of or relating to a temperature scale on which the freezing point of water is 0 degrees and the boiling point of water is 100 degrees.

Celsius Scale: a temperature scale that defines the freezing point of water as 0 degrees and the boiling point of water as 100 degrees.

Compass Flower: any of several plants having leaves so arranged on the axis as to indicate the cardinal points of the compass.

Southwest By West: the compass point that is one point west of southwest.

Sbw: the compass point that is one point west of due south.

Sebs: the compass point that is one point south of southeast.

Amazon: a major South American river; arises in the Andes and flows eastward into the South Atlantic; the world`s 2nd longest river (4000 miles).

Middle East: the area around the eastern Mediterranean; from Turkey to northern Africa and eastward to Iran; the site of such ancient civilizations as Phoenicia and Babylon and Egypt and the birthplace of Judaism and Christianity and Islam; had continuous economic and political turmoil in the 20th century.

Compass Card: compass in the form of a card that rotates so that 0 degrees or North points to magnetic north.

Northwest: the direction corresponding to the northwestward compass point.

Southwest: the direction corresponding to the southwestward compass point.

Absolute Scale: a temperature scale that defines absolute zero as 0 degrees; water freezes at 273.16 degrees and boils at 373.16 degrees.

East: to, toward, or in the east.

East Wind: a wind from the east.

Eastern: lying toward or situated in the east.

Cockney: a native of the east end of London.

Lebanese Republic: an Asian republic at east end of Mediterranean.

West Wind: wind that blows from west to east.

Tennessee: a state in east central United States.

Abkhas: Circassian people living east of the Black Sea.

Abkhas: a member of the Circassian people who live to the east of the Black Sea.

Genus Houttuynia: one species; east Asian low-growing plant of wet places.

Neolithic: latest part of the Stone Age beginning about 10,000 BC in the Middle East (but later elsewhere).

Bimli: valuable fiber plant of East Indies now widespread in cultivation.

Left: a turn toward the side of the body that is on the north when the person is facing east.

Bluebird: fruit-eating mostly brilliant blue songbird of the East Indies.

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