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عہد نامہّ قدیم : Ehed Nama Qadeem Meaning in English

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Ehed Nama Qadeem in Detail

1) عہد نامہ قدیم : Old Testament : (noun) the collection of books comprising the sacred scripture of the Hebrews and recording their history as the chosen people; the first half of the Christian Bible.

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میٹر کا دس ارب واں حصہ : A : a metric unit of length equal to one ten billionth of a meter (or 0.0001 micron); used to specify wavelengths of electromagnetic radiation.

بائبل : Bible : the sacred writings of the Christian religions. "He went to carry the Word to the heathen".

کتاب : Book : a written work or composition that has been published (printed on pages bound together). "Which book is this quote from?".

چنا ہوا : Chosen : one who is the object of choice; who is given preference. "She was Mama's chosen".

عیسائی : Christian : a religious person who believes Jesus is the Christ and who is a member of a Christian denomination.

مجموعہ : Accumulation : several things grouped together or considered as a whole. "Collection of old songs".

سب سے پہلے : First : before anything else. "I felt it for the first time".

نصف : Half : one of two equal parts of a divisible whole. "Half a loaf".

عبرانی زبان : Hebrew : the ancient Canaanitic language of the Hebrews that has been revived as the official language of Israel. "Hebrew is an old language".

تاریخ : History : the aggregate of past events. "A critical time in the school`s history".

لوگ : People : (plural) any group of human beings (men or women or children) collectively. "What do I tell people?".

صوت بندی : Recording : the act of making a record (especially an audio record). "She watched the recording from a sound-proof booth".

پاک : Sacred : concerned with religion or religious purposes. "Blessed be the sacred land".

مقدس صحیفہ : Sacred Scripture : any writing that is regarded as sacred by a religious group.

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