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ایک بے رنگ غیر عامل گیسی عُنصر : Ek Be Rang Ghair Aamal Gisi Unsar Meaning in English

Ek Be Rang Ghair Aamal Gisi Unsar in Detail

1) ایک بے رنگ غیر عامل گیسی عنصر : Atomic Number 10 Ne Neon : (noun) a colorless odorless gaseous element that give a red glow in a vacuum tube; one of the six inert gasses; occurs in the air in small amounts.


Useful Words

ہوا دار بنانا : Aerate : expose to fresh air. "Aerate your old sneakers".

رقم : Amount : a quantity of money. "He borrowed a large sum".

پھیکا : Colorless : lacking in variety and interest. "A colorless and unimaginative person".

جز : Component : an abstract part of something. "Jealousy was a component of his character".

دینا : Afford : be the cause or source of. "Who do I give?".

چمکنا : Glow : emit a steady even light without flames. "The fireflies were glowing and flying about in the garden".

ساکن : Inert : unable to move or resist motion.

واقع ہونا : Come About : come to pass. "It has happened as feared".

ایک : 1 : the smallest whole number or a numeral representing this number. "He has the one but will need a two and three to go with it".

سرخی مائل : Blood-Red : of a color at the end of the color spectrum (next to orange); resembling the color of blood or cherries or tomatoes or rubies.

چھ : 6 : denoting a quantity consisting of six items or units.

صغیر : Little : limited or below average in number or quantity or magnitude or extent. "A little living room".

نالی : Tube : conduit consisting of a long hollow object (usually cylindrical) used to hold and conduct objects or liquids or gases.

خلا : Vacuity : the absence of matter.

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