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ایک قسم کی مکھی : Ek Qisim Ki Makhi Meaning in English

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Ek Qisim Ki Makhi Synonyms


Ek Qisim Ki Makhi in Detail

1 of 2) ایک قسم کی مکھی بچھو نما : Mecopteran : (noun) any of various carnivorous insects of the order Mecoptera.

English Learning Quiz

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2 of 2) ایک قسم کی مکھی : Darning Needle Devil's Darning Needle Dragonfly Mosquito Hawk Sewing Needle Skeeter Hawk Snake Doctor Snake Feeder : (noun) slender-bodied non-stinging insect having iridescent wings that are outspread at rest; adults and nymphs feed on mosquitoes etc.

Useful Words

بالغ : Adult : a fully developed person from maturity onward. "I`m not an adult yet".

کوئی : Any : to any degree or extent. "It isn`t any great thing".

جسم : Bodied : having a body or a body of a specified kind; often used in combination. "Strong-bodied".

خوراک دینا : Feed : give food to. "How do i feed him?".

کیڑا : Insect : small air-breathing arthropod.

جھلملا تا : Changeable : varying in color when seen in different lights or from different angles. "Changeable taffeta".

مچھر : Mosquito : two-winged insect whose female has a long proboscis to pierce the skin and suck the blood of humans and animals. "Mosquito has bitten".

نہیں : Non : negation of a word or group of words. "Will not go like that".

حسینہ : Houri : a voluptuously beautiful young woman.

حکم دینا : Enjoin : give instructions to or direct somebody to do something with authority. "I said to him to go home".

آرام : Relief : a pause for relaxation. "Take a rest".

آسانی سے مڑنے والا : Lissom : moving and bending with ease. "A lissom dancer".

ڈنگ : Sting : a kind of pain; something as sudden and painful as being stung. "The sting of death".

پر : Wing : a movable organ for flying (one of a pair).

Ek Qisim Ki MakhiDetailQuiz