Elementarily Elemental Element 108 Element Elegy Elegize Elegist Elegise Elementary Elementary School Elephant Elephant Bird Elephant's Ear Elephant's-Foot Elephant-Tusk Elephantine Eleusine Coracana Eleusine Indica Elevate Elevated

Elementary meaning in Urdu

Elementary Sentences

An elementary problem in statistics.
An elementary need for love and nurturing.

Elementary Synonyms


Elementary Definitions

1 of 2) Elementary, Simple, Uncomplicated, Unproblematic : ابتدائی, آسان : (satellite adjective) easy and not involved or complicated.

Elementary, my dear Watson.

2 of 2) Elementary, Elemental, Primary : بنیادی, اصولی : (satellite adjective) of or being the essential or basic part.

Useful Words

Elementarily : بنیادی طور پر , Strange Particle : میسون اور ہائپرون میں سے کوئی ایک , Abc : کسی مضمون کا ابتدائی مرحلہ , Aesthesis : احساس , Neutrino : طبیعات اساسی عدلیہ؛ ایک غیر باردار ابتدائی ذرہ , Electron : برقیہ , Computer Operation : کمپیوٹر کا کام , Preschool : ابتدائی اسکول , Simple : آسان , High-Energy : اعلی توانائی کا , Neutron : برقیہ جن پر کوئی برقی بار نہ ہو , Baryon : بھاری ذرے , Gymnasium : ثانوی اسکول , Liver : کلیجا , Development : نشونما پانا , Complicate : پیچیدہ بنانا , Involve : یچیدہ , Embrangle : الجھانا , Complex : پیچیدہ , Complex : مرکب , Blue Ribbon Jury : عدالت کے ایک سے زائد منصفوں کا گروہ , Jacquard : فرانسیسی موجد جس نے کپڑا بنانے کی مشین ایجاد کی , Handy : آسان , Implausibly : ناقابل یقینی طور پر , 2ez : نہایت آسان , Breeze : بہت آسان کام , Blowout : آسان جیت , Friendly : استعمال میں آسان , Handy : آسان پہنچ , Chewable : چبنے والا , Unfriendly : آسانی سے نہ سمھج میں آنے والا

Useful Words Definitions

Elementarily: in an elementary manner.

Strange Particle: an elementary particle with non-zero strangeness.

Abc: the elementary stages of any subject (usually plural).

Aesthesis: an unelaborated elementary awareness of stimulation.

Neutrino: an elementary particle with zero charge and zero mass.

Electron: an elementary particle with negative charge.

Computer Operation: an elementary operation that a computer is designed and built to perform.

Preschool: an educational institution for children too young for elementary school.

Simple: having few parts; not complex or complicated or involved.

High-Energy: of or relating to elementary particles having energies of hundreds of thousands of electron volts.

Neutron: an elementary particle with 0 charge and mass about equal to a proton; enters into the structure of the atomic nucleus.

Baryon: any of the elementary particles having a mass equal to or greater than that of a proton and that participate in strong interactions; a hadron with a baryon number of +1.

Gymnasium: a school for students intermediate between elementary school and college; usually grades 9 to 12.

Liver: large and complicated reddish-brown glandular organ located in the upper right portion of the abdominal cavity; secretes bile and functions in metabolism of protein and carbohydrate and fat; synthesizes substances involved in the clotting of the blood; synthesizes vitamin A; detoxifies poisonous substances and breaks down worn-out erythrocytes.

Development: (biology) the process of an individual organism growing organically; a purely biological unfolding of events involved in an organism changing gradually from a simple to a more complex level.

Complicate: make more complicated.

Involve: make complex or intricate or complicated.

Embrangle: make more complicated or confused through entanglements.

Complex: complicated in structure; consisting of interconnected parts.

Complex: a conceptual whole made up of complicated and related parts.

Blue Ribbon Jury: a jury whose members are selected for special knowledge for a case involving complicated issues.

Jacquard: French inventor of the Jacquard loom that could automatically weave complicated patterns (1752-1834).

Handy: easy to use.

Implausibly: not easy to believe.

2ez: Too Easy.

Breeze: any undertaking that is easy to do.

Blowout: an easy victory.

Friendly: easy to understand or use.

Handy: easy to reach.

Chewable: easy to cut or chew.

Unfriendly: not easy to understand or use.

Related Words

Easy : آسان , Basic : بنیادی

Elementary in Book Titles

The Elementary Forms of Religious Life.
Relevancy in Elementary Curriculum.
Elementary Particles.

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