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Evidence meaning in Urdu

Evidence Sentence

His trembling was evidence of his fear.

Evidence Synonyms


Evidence Definitions

1 of 3) Evidence, Attest, Certify, Demonstrate, Manifest : تصدیق کرنا, ثبوت دینا : (verb) provide evidence for; stand as proof of; show by one`s behavior, attitude, or external attributes.

2 of 3) Evidence : ثبوت : (noun) an indication that makes something evident.

Useful Words

Hearing : سماعت , Adducing : حوالہ دیتا , Rebut : غلط ثابت کرنا , Article Of Faith : راسخ عقیدہ , Abduce : دلیل لانا , Corroborate : ثبوت دینا , Argue : ثبوت دینا , Testament : کسی کے بارے میں ٹہوس ثبوت , Testimonial : صداقت نامہ , Uncorroborated : جو ثابت نہ ہوا ہو , Credulous : ضعیف الاعتقاد , Attestation : تصدیق , Confutation : ٹہوس ثبوت , Prejudgement : قبل از وقت فیصلہ , Believably : یقینی طور پر , Prejudge : دلائل سے قبل فیصلہ کر دینا , Lead : سراغ , Evidential : شہادت سے متعلق , Blind : غیر عقلی , Circumstantiate : حالات سے ثابت کرنا , Parti Pris : ظن , Affirm : ثابت کرنا , Singing : راز فاش کر دینا , Clew : ثبوت , A Posteriori : ثبوت طلب , Tenable : قابل مدافعت , Conjectural : قیاسی , Helpfulness : ہمدردی , Cogent Evidence : پختہ ثبوت , Bear Out : ثابت ہونا , Argument : دلیل

Useful Words Definitions

Hearing: (law) a proceeding (usually by a court) where evidence is taken for the purpose of determining an issue of fact and reaching a decision based on that evidence.

Adducing: citing as evidence or proof.

Rebut: overthrow by argument, evidence, or proof.

Article Of Faith: an unshakable belief in something without need for proof or evidence.

Abduce: advance evidence for.

Corroborate: give evidence for.

Argue: give evidence of.

Testament: strong evidence for something.

Testimonial: something that serves as evidence.

Uncorroborated: unsupported by other evidence.

Credulous: disposed to believe on little evidence.

Attestation: the evidence by which something is attested.

Confutation: evidence that refutes conclusively.

Prejudgement: a judgment reached before the evidence is available.

Believably: easy to believe on the basis of available evidence.

Prejudge: judge beforehand, especially without sufficient evidence.

Lead: evidence pointing to a possible solution.

Evidential: serving as or based on evidence.

Blind: not based on reason or evidence.

Circumstantiate: give circumstantial evidence for.

Parti Pris: an opinion formed beforehand without adequate evidence.

Affirm: establish or strengthen as with new evidence or facts.

Singing: disclosing information or giving evidence about another.

Clew: evidence that helps to solve a problem.

A Posteriori: requiring evidence for validation or support.

Tenable: based on sound reasoning or evidence.

Conjectural: based primarily on surmise rather than adequate evidence.

Helpfulness: friendliness evidence by a kindly and helpful disposition.

Cogent Evidence: any factual evidence that helps to establish the truth of something.

Bear Out: support with evidence or authority or make more certain or confirm.

Argument: a fact or assertion offered as evidence that something is true.

Related Words

Record : ریکارڈ , Indicant : ظاہر کرنے والا , Identification : شناخت , Jurisprudence : اصول , Authenticate : تصدیق کرنا , Inform : اطلاع دینا

Evidence in Book Titles

In His Manifest PresenceThe government has shown no evidence that he actually attended; the government has failed to prove its case. Ladies and gentlemen, you can`t prove what never happened..

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