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Ewe meaning in Urdu

Ewe Definitions

1 of 2) Ewe : میں بولی جانے والی زبان : (noun) a Kwa language spoken by the Ewe in Ghana and Togo and Benin.


2 of 2) Ewe : بکری, بھیڑ : (noun) female sheep.

Useful Words

Natural Language : زبان , Hindi : ہندی زبان , Afghan : پشتو , Eskimo : اسکیمو زبان , Orthoepy : طرز ادا , Achomawi : آچوامی لوگوں کی زبان , Belarusian : ایک ذبان , Delaware : الگونکی زبان , Abkhasian : ابخازی زبان , Fang : بنتو ملک کیمرون کی زبان , Javanese : جاوا کی زبان , Komi : ایک بولی , Sibine : ایک زبان , Korean : کورین زبان , Ukrainian : یوکرائن کی زبان , Italian : اطالوی زبان , Turkish : ترکی کی زبان , Singhalese : سری لنکا کی بولی , Iranian : ایرانی زبان , Kamba : کینیا میں بولی جانے والی بولی , Mongolian : منگولی زبان , Sayanci : نائجیریا میں بولی جانے والی زبان , Portuguese : پرتگیزی , Abnaki : قطب جنوبی کی زبان , Kuvi : جنوب مشرقی بھارت میں بولی جانے والی زبان , Hmong : مونگ زبان , Japanese : جاپانی زبان , Colloquial : عام , Amoy : چینی زبان کی قسم , Higi : ہجی زبان , Arabic : عربی زبان

Useful Words Definitions

Natural Language: a human written or spoken language used by a community; opposed to e.g. a computer language.

Hindi: the most widely spoken of modern Indic vernaculars; spoken mostly in the north of India; along with English it is the official language of India; usually written in Devanagari script.

Afghan: an Iranian language spoken in Afghanistan and Pakistan; the official language of Afghanistan.

Eskimo: the language spoken by the Eskimo.

Orthoepy: the way a word or a language is customarily spoken.

Achomawi: the Shastan language spoken by the Achomawi.

Belarusian: the Slavic language spoken in Belarus.

Delaware: the Algonquian language spoken by the Delaware.

Abkhasian: a Circassian language spoken by the Abkhaz.

Fang: a Bantu language spoken in Cameroon.

Javanese: the Indonesian language spoken on Java.

Komi: the Finnic language spoken by the Komi.

Sibine: a Chadic language spoken in Chad.

Korean: the Altaic language spoken by Koreans.

Ukrainian: the Slavic language spoken in the Ukraine.

Italian: the Romance language spoken in Italy.

Turkish: a Turkic language spoken by the Turks.

Singhalese: the Indic language spoken by the people of Sri Lanka.

Iranian: the modern Persian language spoken in Iran.

Kamba: a Bantu language spoken by the Kamba in Kenya.

Mongolian: a family of Altaic language spoken in Mongolia.

Sayanci: a Chadic language spoken in northern Nigeria.

Portuguese: the Romance language spoken in Portugal and Brazil.

Abnaki: the Algonquian language spoken by the Abnaki and Penobscot.

Kuvi: a Dravidian language spoken in southeast India.

Hmong: a language of uncertain affiliation spoken by the Hmong.

Japanese: the language (usually considered to be Altaic) spoken by the Japanese.

Colloquial: characteristic of informal spoken language or conversation.

Amoy: any of the forms of Chinese language spoken in Fukien province.

Higi: a Chadic language spoken south of Lake Chad.

Arabic: the Semitic language of the Arabs; spoken in a variety of dialects.

Related Words

Sheep : بھیڑ

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